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I'm really not sure what has been in the water this month but so much has gone right; a transition back to painterly work ignited a fire, loads of art got made, but really it's the speed of the turnaround i've surprised myself with honestly. I feel like there's been a sudden, random jump in quality, and i'm not sure how or why that's the case, but i'm embracing it with open arms!

One thing i'm more concrete on, is that returning to Picarto and more consistently streaming has been a major help in the motivation department.
Just having a few friendly faces around pushes me like i really didn't expect.

So, I know it sounds rote and fake as hell, but i genuinely, truly appreciate the support i've been getting both publicly on social media, in those streams and i'm always grateful of the people who've stuck by me here, particularly of late. It means the world to me.

This month has been the kick in the arse i have needed for such a long time and with that said, i go into the next month confident, which is not something i've been able to say for a while.

I really hope i'm not jinxing it, or putting the cart before the well endowed muscular horse or anything, but my sincere hope is that we've crossed a precipice and that it signals an end to the weird uncertain fog that's kind of just been sat there lingering, unwelcome.

Alright so next steps then. Next month I want to review my reserve commission list from all the way back in October and get started with tying up loose ends. I'll of course be doing more DoC work with Sombreve. I'd like to get another comic page out too, then once some of that is cleared away who knows. Maybe i can offer comms or YCHs or heck, something else you guys would like to see me do?

I don't tend to make written posts here too often, but I had to acknowledge this pleasant situation and of course, all of you. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you for all that you guys do!

*By the by, if you'd like to catch me on stream for questions, general chill chit chat and some music (and with any luck, some drawing) feel free to follow me >>HERE<< for my Picarto. That's where i'll be, sipping tea most likely... 🐺☕


Draco of Zeradaith

[Hall of the Mountain King heard faintly in the distance...] No, but seriously. I am -thrilled- to read this update and to hear that you're taking to heart all the love and support and motivation that your community is giving you. I won't speak for everyone but I will say that I wouldn't be here if I didn't think you were fucking worth it, dude. Your art consistently both blows me away and hits every button I have. But that is an extra added bonus to just being given the opportunity to be a part of your life and express how much better you make mine just by being in it and making the amazing pieces you do. Like I said in your stream one day, you are loved and you are worthy of that love. Keep being awesome. Keep being you.

Plasma Spoon

Oh! Did not know you streamed! Wjere can I see that? Also, I'm really glad things are getting better for you!