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So, Tony bought me a sparring android for Christmas, but made sure to get the smallest model as a subtle jab at me for being short. I didn't wanna come off as ungrateful, so I took it to the beach to give it a whirl.

“Gimme your highest setting, robo-shortstack. I ain’t interested in beating on some midget jobber.”

The android told me to knock it around for a round or two to get a feel for my style, so I did. THUD! An uppercut lifts her whole body off the ground!

I admit, I’m impressed with how well made this android is! I was afraid my punches would break it!

After she got up from a particularly hard blow, her eyes blinked a glowing blue as she declared “calibration complete. Protect yourself at all times, beginning 1 minute sparring round now.”

OOF! She nailed me in the gut nice and deep, and it was at that exact moment I messed up in going for the highest difficulty.

I dropped from that one blow. While I groaned in agony, the android looked at me unimpressed and jeered, “Performance is drastically sub-par. Lowering the difficulty, you wimp.”

Full disclosure, something about getting dominated by this little android is doing it for me~

She seems to have determined that due to size difference, gutting me into oblivion was the best course of action

"Performance still pitifully sub-par, once again lowering difficulty level before I injure you. Beginning next round on "Kitten" difficulty, where you belong."


"Even on lowest difficulty, your performance is pitiful. Perhaps a new hobby is more your speed?" Was the last thing she said as I blacked out with the deep, awful pain in my gut telling me it was best to just stay down. Thank goodness no one saw this... Right?
