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The three heirs to the Kawada Zaibatsu's megalomaniac CEO and anime-esque protagonists I developed alongside my streamer buddy James, who you can look up on twitch if you'd like. I'll toss a link in DM's if you're interested.

Jai and Kyo are twins born to a their kind mother Kaiko Shimada, who hid them in an island community and raised them to be good hearted and respectful boys before she disappeared.

Akira, the youngest, was born to a different mother who he can't find any records of, leading to the popular theory he was born out of a violent attack and his mother later committed suicide. Akira's childhood was much darker than that of his brothers, but canonically they were reunited in Mydnite city and Jai in particular took it upon himself to try to make up for a crappy childhood by frequently taking the now-preteen Akira on shopping trips and indulging his effeminate nature as well as sharing a passion for rock music.

Of all my OC's, I think these three are the most "human". More on them later!
