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City of SEED - MOSS

City of SEED - WOOD

City of SEED - STONE

City of SEED - METAL

METAL Tier VTT Files



Hello everyone!

Here is my first city map, the City of SEED!


The City of SEED is the organic arcology that is the home of the Arborsect. A people that range in all shapes and sizes, evolved from plants and insects into entirely new, amazing humanoid lifeforms. They travelled the stars to start their life on this world, fleeing a planetary catastrophe on their home world aboard a colossal generation ship. Seeking a new home, they travelled for thousands of years, thriving and dreaming.

Eventually, the ship settled on its destination, choosing a promising valley on an enticing planet. Violently making landfall, the ship peeled back the surface of the world with its great impact, though its valuable cargo hardly felt a thing. Raw material and energy revealed by the incredible crash were the first ingredients in the growth of the new city.

As the Arborsect explored their new home, encountering many new ancestries in surrounding lands, the city grew and morphed with the ruined star craft at its heart.

Several generations later the city stood as you now see it, fully grown and full of life, both Arborsect and many others. Giant insectoid beasts of burden scurry around the city all hours of the days and nights, keeping the arcology running and moving cargo and passengers. A vertical city of organic material, its residents passing between the level through the many 'Stalks' at its core. Using either innate flying abilities or assisted by climbing great insects, all levels are open to all.

Each great outstretched branch of SEED is composed of an upper and lower bough. The lower bough could be considered the ground, giant twisted roots supporting its structure from the main stalks. Amorphous buildings of plant material grow and shift around geometric structures of minerals as hard as metal. The upper bough that covers every branch is a shelled canopy of glittering leaves. The skyward side is a hard shell, protecting SEED from the elements, while the underside is a suspended sea of bioluminescence. During the hours of the day, a scattering of brilliant golden light decorates the city scape below, reminiscent of the broken light amongst a dense forest. At night the light changes, taking on a silvery hue, reflecting the moonlight outside.

The city has many inns scattered throughout the levels, for the Arborsect adore their new home and welcome any visitors who come to see their unique habitat. A living monument to the resilience and adaptability of the Arborsect, The City of SEED is an impressive place.



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