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This one took me a bit longer than expected due to the size and scale of it, but hopefully it can be useful as the site for some BBEG encounters. For the next while I'll be sticking with smaller maps to try and get post more often. As always, let me know if there is any particular location you would like me to design.

Thanks for stopping by.

The last temple of an ancient order, this sentinel of knowledge sits proudly amongst the desert plains. Constructed of strange bluish stone, dark outside and ever so slightly paler in the interior, I cannot tell how such a thing was crafted. Certainly not by any human hand, though perhaps magic and divinity had something to do with it.

The inner sanctum is dark, though warm braziers are ever present, with it's denizens quietly going about their business. All changes at the midday sun however, as the glaring sunlight beams through the ceiling aperture, light emblazoned on the abstract floor runes. The group who dwell there gather together at this time, offer their arms to the sky and kneel in some communal prayer.

The place is unnerving to say the least, but it is said that these quiet folk hold much knowledge. Perhaps they will part with it for the right payment.

Encounter suggestions
As I mentioned earlier, I think this map would be best for a BBEG fight. Either the players are having a social encounter with the inhabitants of the temple and are ambushed, or they find the antagonists already there and in the middle of some task that the party has to stop.

This led in to the different version options. The portal option could create some interesting dynamic fight, while the chained object would be a great focus for a summoning/unbinding ritual of some ancient evil.

Classic piles of gold and other loot makes the temple into a dragon lair, with some dragon eggs stashed on the upper level for the party to discover. 
Finally the mausoleum is a good backdrop for some encounters with the undead, perhaps the gold tombs could hold powerful vampires.



Josiah Bradbury

The metal link in this post isn't set right.

Josiah Bradbury

No problem! This post is what inspired me to start supporting. Keep up the good work! If you are looking for suggestions. A giant's Forest Hunting lodge, More desert stuff in general (An underrated environment for sure), and Perhaps a portal in two different, but similar landscapes for a scenario where you might go to an alternate dimension where it's pretty much the same.