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Next, let's lick the buttocks! Tongues everywhere. Each tongue object must be set separately because the initial angle, size, parameters, etc. are different for each part, and there is no benefit in forcing them to be common.

It's done for now.

I'll test the auto mode. Although it's good when the pattern is random.... 

Other than that, it just traces the outer edge like this. I need to do something about this.
To be continued. 



The screen is too noisy. Using animation is not always a good idea.


Can't wait until this is in the next release


Maybe a stupid question, but will there be the posibility to spread her privat area and lick the Same time?


The problem is how to operate it. Currently, two mouses are required to do it. I've been thinking also about a better way to control spreading. Thanks for your suggestion, Logatar.


Some Kind of automatic licking option when spreading would maybe solve the problem of having two mouses. Just an idea, but to be honest, i have no expirience in programing so maybe thats Not even doable xD


It's not technically difficult, but how do we hold the hand for spreading? This game basically can't use two-handed operation except in double mode, because I want to make this game with simple operation as possible.


Exactly what i mean :)


I came up with a good idea. Simply, even if it spreads, just keep rubbing. There is no inconsistency in this action. Why didn't I notice it for over 10years? Thanks for giving me an inspiration, Logatar.

