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Next, I'll fix the pulled down pants. This should be located over the legs as it was originally (left), so it should be separated and returned to the original level and position.

It's necessary to adjust the position exactly, but when the hierarchy of the parts changes, it's impossible to paste it in the same position because the coordinate system itself changes. So I change the view to a line drawing and enlarged the screen to the maximum and must adjust it with my eyes. There is a script that converts to absolute coordinates, but it has never been implemented as the function, so even nowadays I often do manual work like this.

It doesn't end after moving the parts. I have to rewrites also the script paths (like addresses) that were linked to the part. I use a full-text search and fix them one by one, but in some cases there may be more than 1,000 entries. When finished, I have to save it and restart the tool, because the search function make the tool slow down. This kind of thing hasn't been improved even though in a new tool. Please bear with me as the tedious work continues.



Hey, may be a weird question, but have you considered moving to a more modern platform like unity? I'm sure your workflow in Flash is familiar, but it really does seem that you've reached if not exceeded the usefulness of the tool. Edit: not to imply porting this game to unity, just whatever your next project may be


I've never actually used Unity, but I think it's a tool for making especially 3D games using other tools and libraries, and it's suitable for division of labor. Flash can handle graphics, animations, sounds, programs, all in one, so I think it's the best way to make the game like this alone and still a great tool based on a genius design concept. I'm complaining, but really it's just a little thing. Thanks for your advice surely.


Can I just say that your English is really good? I'm led to believe that you have studied English a lot but I know that English is, to some extent, taught in Japan correct?


English education in Japan is really bad. Ex, they say "any" is the negative form of "some". We should teach more practical grammar like "fu*kin' - " in elementary school!