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The beta test of this version is finished. Thank you!

Thank you very much for waiting. I'll start TTG_SV beta test. Please download the file "ttg_sv001.zip" from the link below.
Ninja-suit is not included now because it's treated as an additional DLC, but it will be updated later as an installation test.
If you have comments, requests, bug reports, etc., please write in this thread or message me. (Of course not obligatory.)

  • About requests
    I'll not respond to request comments, so you can post it as you like. If you need a reply, please contact me from the message though I may not be able to answer immediately. (because I often change my mind later.)
  • If you find bugs
    If you find a bug, please report me even if it's small or suspicious. (In particular, there are probably bugs that make clothes or parts of the body color white.)
    It would be very helpful if you could give me specific information such as the conditions and frequency of the occurrence.

I'll rest posting new articles for a while. Thank you so much for your support!



It' been a long time······


I don't know if it's a bug. If she only wears one shoe and tickling her feet with two hands, there will be hands on the shoes.


How do remove censorship?


when auto tickling with the sencond type of hand reaches speed 5,using the wheel can't trigger extra laugh


When Rio's feet are tickled on the front, There's something wrong with the connection between her Ankle and her sock。

MCA der Negus

So far, so good. I like this game, really impressive. I like how fluent this game became. More costumes and hair would be nice and an breast slider.


Beautiful , bravo 👏


Uh 2finger? it's not compatible with hi-speed rotation. I'll examine. Thanks,


It's not a bug, it's no way because of transformation of foot, but you look details well, Thanks,


MCA, thanks as always, I'm now thinking about how to change the size of the breast.


This is amazing. I love you.


I love the new features. Great job! This is definitely the "sequel" I've been waiting for! I wonder if it is possible to add a gags as a feature. I understand it might be difficult, as Yuduki san would have to add more voice overs. Would also like to be able to turn on a "睨む mode" for the entire duration. I think that would be amazing and give the game a new dynamic. Thank you for your hard work!


I have found a bug: using Rio. 1) OPEN shorts 2) PULL DOWN panties 3) SWITCH to behind view Shorts are not pulled down, but panties are pulled down and appear on the outside of the shorts.


Love your Work! Great Job!😍😍😍


Been playing it for a while. Really good work Sawatex! I haven't found any bugs really. I will say however that maybe there should be a way to reset the color presets of the girl. I was playing with all the different colors and at the end wasn't able to get them back to normal. Just a thought


Remi, thanks as always. The first preset color button on the left is correspond to the default color. Is it troublesome?


Your job is so fun... Will you release a phone compatible version in a future. Keep it up!


AJ, thank you so much for your support. Sorry, but I don't plan phone version because the screen of them is too small to play this game, although I want to make this easier to use on tablets in the future.