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UPDATE July 28, 2022: Hi simmies! Quick update for you. The Kiosk was released early and I am planning to release VFX Machine in early August and OMSP+ should follow shortly after - there are many slot changes due to the recent pack which affected this. I will update you after the High School EP comes out!


Sul sul friends! Apologies for lack of posting or streaming - I have been in a funk and trying to work heads down on bugs and wrapping up my current WIP before the new high school pack comes out. I am so, so excited for the new features like photo booths/polaroids/possibly curved walls... but it also means it could potentially have major impacts on my previous sets. Sooo below is my best attempt at giving you ~all~ the updates on bugs and WIP status. I plan to be back to streaming regularly this upcoming Sunday and would love to do a patron-only stream sometime this week to show you everything I have been working on! 

**If you skip most of this post, at the very least download Carl's Inventory Fix - this is a major bug that impacts CC and EA items.**

•• ━━━━━ ••Double Inventory Issue•• ━━━━━ ••

As some of you may have noticed, the Ink For Yourself Journal & PMM flash drives have some bugs since the Werewolves GP came out. I have spent countless hours trying to fix it... going through the XML tuning as well as python etc etc.

The problem comes up only when an object has items stored in it's inventory AND THEN is put into another inventory. This is not inclusive to just my items... you will see problems with sack lunches, streaming drones, grocery bags, some bookshelves, etc. Essentially, the problem only happens when a "non-shared" inventory item is put into your sim's inventory with items in it.

Many simmers are running into this issue and it has been reported to EA many times (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), but it is still not on their 'laundry list' of upcoming fixes. Until EA makes some back end changes there is not much I can do. But luckily our good friend Carl has made a fix for this! Please download that here.

If you already loaded your lot and ran into this bug you can still recover the double-inventoried items. Just install Carl's fix and reload the lot and everything should be there safe and sound.

•• ━━━━━ ••Upcoming Sets & WIP•• ━━━━━ ••

Last month I had a poll for you all to vote on what sets I should work on next. Below is a status update on these sets. The ones I am able to move forward on are mostly done and I have a release schedule to get these sets out by the end of July!

1) Kiosk - Released ✔ (Original: Release planned by July 23)

2) Filthy Fab Part 2 - Released ✔

3) Hoarders Simnonymous Update - Waiting on EA for inventory fix

4) PBJ's Photo & Frame Mod - On hold until July 28th pack release

5) OMSP+ -On hold (Original: Release planned by July 16)

6) VFX Machine - Early August Release (Original: Release planned by July 30)

I have also been wrapping up my collab with a big home decor company which I can't wait to show you! With some guidance on texturing from Little Dica I have been getting back to my roots of making build/buy meshes and not mini-mods! This is likely going to be out beginning of August but still finalizing the date with the company.

Last but not least, you will also have two new sets this week. The 'Art Attack' graffiti decal set was released concurrently with this post. It is also my birthday in 4 days and as I do every year I will be releasing a birthday-themed set on July 14th (hint: birth certificates & ultrasounds).

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••

I love you all so much! I promise to be more present. I stared counseling which was very needed and got back on anti-depressants - self care truly does wonders! I hope you all are doing absolutely amazing, taking care of your souls, and loving yourself!

💗 rava


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