WIP & Update! (Patreon)
Hoping to wrap this guy up in the next few days :)
So the buffet table is what is previewed here but that's only scratching the surface of what I have been working on. I have been a little more quiet because the things I am working on are very challenging and have taken a lot of time but I am sooo excited for you to see them!
One hint, myself and Panda Sama have been working on a collab project extensively for the past 8 WEEKS. We are so close to wrapping it up! it is not a bunk bed (she already did that)... but its a totally custom item/interaction/animations/etc that adds to children/toddler gameplay. Okay I have already said too much!
But also if you aren't already on my discord channel GET ON THERE!!! I have shared a few sneak peaks of this collab and discord allows me to share updates in a more informal setting. Soooo if you want to get even more updates (as if I didn't already talk too much) join me and your fellow simmies there!! Link here.
In other news, sims file share is back in action so that *should* be working smoothly again. If you have any problems with it still let me know. And on the another note, sims 4 studio has not updated the doors/windows yet. I am really trying to hold out for a patch update so I don't have to spend day(s) updating my doors/windows. Not that I am lazy... I just have so much other exciting stuff in the works for you all that I would prefer to focus my energy there. But I digress....
I am also working on some amazing fall/halloween content and it is looking soooo good. Basically I have like 5 projects in the works that I am super stoked to get into your hands. In the meantime, I have the Shop Chef Buffet base/first version finished up. I added a link below if anyone wants to test it. Right now it just has Breakfast and Italian themes, but if you all are happy with how it is working I will replicate that for tons of other themes.
The food that goes into the buffet is deco (won't spoil etc). You can then order consumable food which is spawned for your simmie to eat. I want to give you more deets on how to use it but I am going to refrain from that cause my hope is that I made in intuitive enough that you don't need it. But if you have any questions you know where to find me!! Hope you all are doing fabulous! Don't be a stranger!!
Rav, Rava, Ravasheen
Note: search patron in the game to pull up the buffet and please add all your feedback to this post so I have one place to reference when I incorporate everything. <3