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I was thinking about absurdly huge crossovers, Super Smash Brothers, Super Robot Wars, old fanfictions I used to read. And thought about how it'd be kinda fun to daydream about making my own. Oh, but what would I make one about? I don't watch or read anything. Nothing that would blend well into a single setting... I guess it'd be kind of funny to combine Ducktales with Invincible.

Wait.... there is one genre I consume without restraint and without a lick of irony.... Zombie Media!

And so these are the results of some goofy brainstorming about a setting that combines elements of every zombie and undead-monster adjacent story I can remember vague details about. Trying to link as many as possible into an outline.

And the concept of what would be the first Short Story.

"Night of the Re-Living" - You hear about zombie outbreaks in history class, or in isolated incidents in backwater towns. You never think it'll come here, to you and your home. Well, one night, it does... The living dead with bright glowing green eyes begin rushing over this sleepy farm community. And a mysterious, bespectacled young man seems to know more about this "fascinating" occurrence than he'd admit.

- A Crossover of Night of the Living Dead, Re-Animator, and House of the Dead 1



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