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LINK: https://customer-u1hok16au7q8ozt4.cloudflarestream.com/8d0ba2e78dcb3a41afd1ff1871591d92/watch

Thought we'd try one of these unboxing videos out.  Next time, we have Allecakes jumping on a trampoline in a succubus outfit!




Henry *has* been working out. Hope it helps keeping you healthy with all the sitting he does when filming and editing. Also, what the heck was in that pizza candy to elicit such a strong reaction.

Mark Ramsey

really tired of the misleading previews on youtube. this is BS. do better


you lied... you said uncensored video on patreon..her foot was totally censored .. lol


Always a fun time hanging out with you three.

Michael Barrows

Jeannie sure spent quite some time working that playdough into the perfect penis.

Michael Barrows

I think the foot thing was a joke for this video.

Nick K

Should've had Allecakes wear the candy bra

Isaiah Brown

Of all the scenes from HP Henry just HAD choose the one when Hedwig dies 😒

Spiritreaver Designs

I never use Patreon, but ive been supporting you with the $10 membership for awhile. After watching your latest update, i have upgraded my membership to the top $50 tier. I couldnt figure out how to message you, but just wanted to say thanks for all the years of smiles. Keep it up and hope you guys keep finding success


Exactly the same here as Spiritreaver Designs, minus the $10 membership. This was one downfall too many for me, no way I could accept it without doing something. It's not much, but it means a lot for me to spend this much, and I want you guys to know that it really does mean something. Really, really hope you guys can get through this on top <3

Sasha Sinns

Try lighting the candles lol


henry challenged them to make a penis out of the playdough but jeannie literally spent half the video making it look as lifelike as possible. jeannie is quickly becoming lord immersion

Skin P.

So are we not gonna talk about Henry's pecks or....

Nephilim Incorruptus

Any video with Kai in it is the best video. Anyway, I tried the black charcoal toothpaste once and had the same reaction that you all had with the bacon toothpaste.


It seems like Henry HAS been working out! I'm sure no one was blown away, but it DOES look like he's been putting the work in, so kudos to him! Keep it up, man, it suits you!


Jenny in her wizerdly garb

David Frierson

The dog great addition to the video


I though Henry was going to bring out the big guns on the next one. So "For the love of all humanity"- please 😉 anything but Susu dressed as a succubus jumping on a trampoline!!🐸🐸🐸