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Hope you guys enjoyed the latest video!  I reuploaded cause Patreon literally went down 3 minutes into the first upload LOL.  I felt like this episode might of dragged on a bit and some of the jokes didn't flow as I liked but hopefully it was still good!  Was also a bit nervous about the Adventures of Misty Skye mod, which actually had the word "erotic" in the title.  Which I purposely excluded in case YouTube picked up on that and screwed the video.  You probably don't care that much though, thanks for reading my random thoughts of this episode, PEACE



how to install the mod.. my game crash when started, i recently installing a mod armor 9204 DS Vilhelm by Team TAL with nexus, but not work every time my game crash.. anyone could help me? ( I have the mods requeriments and work fine... but just when i installing the armor the game crash) =(


What is that armor you use that is like blue witch armor


Just a line to say hi. Keep the fun coming !new pledge this week. Thanks for all you two do.


Hey, If you ever wanna learn knife safety (or get trained on gun safety, for that matter) you can come up to Idaho. I'd be honored to hang with you.


Fuck advertisement. Take my money instead.


Hey mxr just wanted to say fuck youtubes family friendly ad shite. Been watching your videos since week 3 and have loved every single episode, he'll I barely even play skyrim anymore but I still love watching your vids, so take my money and keep doing what you love doing.




Thanks ♥


I think YouTube needs to suck a dick and make a separate "kid friendly" version of YouTube if they're so worried about fuckin viewer ages. Leave our good fun alone. Keep it up man, you rock.

Samul Hamilton

I enjoyed the sweet video mang.


Awesome MXR! As they always are. ♥


I want you to has all the monies so that you can keep doing what you do best! Seriously though love both your channels, and nobody makes Skyrim mod reviews as beautiful and entertaining as you do. And I have to say yours and Potastic's shenanigans can be quite fun to watch. Good luck and thanks for making such awesome content.


Just wanted to support you in thanks for your dedication to your modding channel! Love your videos they always give me a good laugh and I always am excited to see a new upload. Plus being an immersion scientist is a bonus X3


I patreoned. I need this channel to stave the bordom.


Skyrim mods weekly was the reason i subscribed, and the only reason I stayed, even when it was neglected I hoped you would come back to it. I'm really glad you did.


don't give in to censorship for skyrim mods weekly, it'd destroy what makes your videos worth watching


Been watching since episode 1 or 2 of Skyrim Mods. Haven't missed a single video to my knowledge. Keep it up!


the moment I saw that you had this, I donated, without question. You are the best Skyrim mod reviewer, EVER.. and youtube can suck a dick for forcing every channel to be PG


Discovered his channel about 2 years ago, and since then I've watched every video, some of your videos left me in tears I was laughing so hard, keep it upr man!


Been meaning to start donating to a few worthy creators, and your latest video spurred me to finally sign up on here. I made that ridiculous Misty Skye mod, among other more reputable ones. It always completely makes my day to see my work in one of your videos, because your videos are one of the reasons I got into modding at all. Your channel has always embraced the sheer MADNESS of modding, and that's the fun part to me. The adventure that is throwing a bunch of weird crap into your game just to see what happens. Misty Skye is meant as an over-the-top parody of outlandish "sexy follower" mods... like Tanker Neisa, which I only know about from obsessively watching your series. It's also a love letter to the seamy underbelly of the modding scene, which drives so much wild creativity and gives us all stuff to laugh at. ...And a love letter to your videos, which have never been afraid to go there. Never change, buddy. P.S. I forgive you for editing the title, and I immediately understood why. But for the record it was inspired by an absurd movie called "The Erotic Adventures of Zorro" which a friend once bought for me as a gag. Come to Patreon for exclusive behind the scenes mod trivia :)


Been a fan since the beginning and have watched all you mod videos. Love your stuff keep up the good work!


Happy to help out you out in a time when luck hasn't gone your way, MXR. I've been watching your videos since I was a freshman in high school and although it sounds silly, I feel way too much gratitude towards you to not be able to help you keep doing what you do so well, especially when Youtube screwed you over so shittily. Much love brother!


Dear mxr, my fiancé and I are huge skyrocket fans and love watching your videos! We might see about sending you a gift through the PO box. Is there a size limit on that?


Dude, you're hilarious - keep those vids coming! Hope everything keeps going well for you, if not then hey there's always marijuana!


Youtube should be about freedom of content. It's insane they can squash something you've worked so long and hard to build. Long live MXR Mods!


MxR rocks! I've been watching Skyrim Mods Weekly forever and I will watch until the day I die. If I ever win an award, I will thank MxR in my acceptance speech. When the lawyer is reading my will to my family, he will read "MxR". (That's right, honey. I'm leaving all $50 to him.) When I travel by plane, I will always buy an extra ticket for MxR, just in case. It sucks that YouTube has done this. But at least now, I'm a proud I can directly contribute in my own small way. Looking forward to the next 5 years! Roll the intro!


starting with $1/month


Greetings from Wales - keep up the great work & stay family unfriendly :)

Evan Showalter

this is the first time i've ever used patreon. You seem to be getting hit really hard by these new youtube rules and i think its really unfair, especially since you bought a new house and all. the timing just really sucks. im hoping the best for you man. keep it real.


$890 a month!! that's so awesome! such a nice cushion for ya. glad to be part of helping you out man.


Long term fan of your vids, laugh at every silly joke and enjoy all the clickbait style vid titles and thumbnails ha ha. I hope youtube reverses its bull**it family friendly nonsense, like at least perhaps put an age block on some vids to allow creators to select their audience etc... anyway rambling... Good luck with your Patreon and keep those mod reviews going! <3


$1/month to be a fully certified Immersion Scientist? SOLD! :D


Seriously though, been watching your vids for years dude and you've always done great work, am very happy to help support your main channel here, in my own small way :)


No kidding, i found out about your channel right after your first skyrim mod review back in 9th grade and have watched your videos weekly since then. you still continue to entertain and i was a console user until very recently. I love all your videos and I look forward to them each week. Good luck on Patreon and Youtube is an asshole with their rules with their bull family friendly rules and who gets more payed more just based off their content. Anyway I will always look forward to your videos each week and once again, good luck!


I appreciate you making your vids entertaining and fun (as well as informational). They always put a smile on my face (yes, even when you're talking about 'em tittehs. :D) I hope moar people will show their support via Patreon for your fantastic channel.


Dude, yer awesome. You are a part of the internet now and need to continue the awesomeness. You're getting my support.


Hey dude. Keep doing what you are doing. You got me into modding and now that is more fun than playing the actual games. Atm busy modding minecraft because my skyrim SE is to the brim with mods you reviewed😁


Oh and i wanted to ask is recorder( the follower in skyrim) voiced by your chick? Sounds like it. I only use her. Her one liners make playing skyrim fun.


Please make more options so I can support you more! <3


You got this!


We're going to keep you going no matter what! ^-^


Old fan of yours, screw what other says, you entertained me and millions more and that is more than enough reason for us audience to donate!


Hey MxR, I love your work, and thanks for keeping your mod review going! I've been a fan for a few years, and its thanks to you that Skyrim became my favorite game of all time. Can't wait for what's to come!


Heeey... MxR love your work..!!!


Keep it up, man. Stay perky and all. It sucks that YT is hurting people like you, DeFranco, etc... and I hope you're able to pull through.


MxR I hope you get the chance to read this. You have supplied me with quality entertainment for years. Ever since Skyrim Mods Weekly Episode 1. I dont have much to offer but I hope to use my donations to you as a symbol opf my thanks in hopes that you keep up the wonderful content :)


Oh yeah! Official immersion scientist - my life is complete!


would Potastic be up for the voice mail greeting because like....that'd be amazing <3


Or at the very least, a recording with both of your voice :D


SCIENCE! Love your channel and I hate the advertisers choking out the wonderful content! Here's $1


Been watching since nearly the beginning and I will help support to keep this going.


Love ur channel man I want you to keep going man


I need MxR to keep my immersion at optimal levels and have done for 5 years. Long live MxR!


We love you MxR! Just thinking if all subs from both channels paid $1/month you would be making half a mil per month! LOL OMG If i got $1/month i would mak $50, but for all the work you put in you definitely deserve it. Keep up the great work! :D


i'm a broke ass university student, but my god i can afford to give at least a dollar or so to one of my favourite youtubers *of all time* - i'm really hoping that Patreon provides at least a bit of cash to cover your expenses for you and Jeannie :3 good luck guys! <3


I wish i had more money to donate keep up the work and don't stress too much


Dude, you're the best thing on YouTube and if they won't pay you, I will.


Your content keeps me on both Skyrim and YouTube. Let us know if there's any other way to support you. I'll be getting a raise soon, so I'll be able to commit more than just 1$/mo . In the mean time, shut up a take my money.


you are amazing. never stop making videos


Awesome work with the vids Henry, I'd like to say that I really enjoy watching your videos in the afternoon afterschool and relaxing when i'm physically unable to move due to workouts 😂 Love your vids and the jokes. Keep up the good work and never give up!


Got your back, Jack.. I mean Henry.


keep up the good work and hang in there


all tho I do need to ask y do u leave in California it one of the top expensive states to live in were Arizona for example your average apartment rent cost is 400 just saying cheeper cost of liveing is far cheeper in a lot of outher states around the us


Hey man, your hustling, not a lot of people stay in the hustle. Screw google, keep doing you and people will keep coming to see what you're up to. I never knew the dude who reviewed the mods for me was such a solid dude.


I haven't seen the video yet, but whatever is in it is safe for me 😁

Sural Argonus

Hell...If I'd realized you had a Patreon before...I would have signed up sooner!


Sorry you are having so many problems with You Tube. Don't stop doing what you are doing! You should try to get the word out more about Patreon support. Seriously who can't afford to give you $1 a month? You are my biggest Internet entertainment! Take care bud.


My donation may stop this month, my changed my debit card number and I don't know how to charge it in patreon :( If I can't change it within 2 weeks, I'll delete this account and make a new one.


MxR I love your videos man. Keep it up


Oh nice


Be sure to check out my new HOT Patreon!! Spread the word and let me know what satisfies your fantasies.... All feedback is always welcome!! Look forward to seeing you! ♡XOXO♡