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Hey everyone,

Thanks to everyone new that signed up here after today's video about the loss of our ability to have human review for out videos on MxR Plays.

There's still very little info I have to give to you guys other than the fact that i've just sent over the video IDs for everything that's not getting reviewed to my Youtube guy.

I've been thinking all day as to what could possibly be happening over at Youtube HQ.  Whether or not this change only targeted me or potentially a few other channels on Youtube.

I don't want to get into specifics on and bore you too much on what i'm speculating on, but i'll be sure to give you all more info and keep you updated on whether or not a Youtube employee will give an official response.

Thanks again for all of your support here.  Guess I spoke to soon when I said i've seen it all after the Jukin debacle eh?



Keep strong, my man. You'll get through this. Either YouTube will change or another streaming service will take is place. I know of a few already that are pretty good.




Bro between you guys and my Lord Nuxanor, YouTube has it out for my favorite YouTubers


Glad to be here and support my favorite Youtubers. Stay strong, the immersion army has arrived!


you’ll always have my support friend.


I've gotta wait to get home to find out what this is all about.

Kamalei Alpizar

Hope it gets better. You’re my fave YouTuber and you deserve better.


We're all here for you my dude. It still boggles my mind that people can be so hurtful and target others, destroying their livelihood. Stay strong.


Stay strong and don't give up, we got you!


Hopefully this has nothing to do with the junkin debauckal


Move over to floatplane


Stay strong. MxR sloot army assemble!


pornhub mxr can become the thing


Keep your heads up you two for we've got your six. ;)


If we must crusade, then crusade we shall 😤


It's my first patreon membership, but after crying on your latest video... I did not even finish the video, after I heard patreon, I immediately clicked the link.


Hans... fetch me my trebuchet, it's time for another crusade


Chin up , hope everything gets resolved.


Stay strong. I just discovered you and started supporting you both. You guys are literally the highlights of my day.


Henry and Jeannie our here accidentally creating the real WW3 out here lol. We have your backs you two. (Yo especially since they made HENRY cry, that guy was supposed to be the more emotionless person among the two lol) We finna wreck YouTube HQ. First Jerkin now YouTube xD it’s like a literal game, we have the mini boss, then the big boss Lolol

Sunny Mak

We strike at dawn.


Stay strong, both of you, you've taken me out of my hard times, now I shall support you and help you get out of this mess.


Henry, I have been a fan for years and when the whole jukin bs happened I worried you and Jeannie would be a bit stressed, so I joined to bring a bit more stability in your lives. I wish you both nothing but the best, hopefully this gets sorted, you are both incredibly talented people and bring so much entertainment to us all. No matter what, we are here for you.


We got you Henry! Hope you and Jeannie are well! Definitely interested in hearing updates!


First time I pay for any patreon or Youtuber, no one makes Henry cry!


The timing is awfully coincidental though for my liking....


You two are the only ones I support on patreon and I'll be there as long as this page exists. Gonna up my monthly subscription on my next paycheck aswell to help you to get through this rough start for 2020. Man this year really sucks x.x


You guys are my favourite YouTube channel with videos that are always really entertaining and that always cheer me up am in university right now so I can't contribute too much this is my first time using patreon but I promise if you guys are still around when I start working I'll take the most expensive package. It is really painful to see both of you in tears


Get ready for a heartbreaking video....that and the Sloot Lord himself couldn't keep his brave face this time...


Being a self sufficient entertainer is always difficult. Everyone wants a piece of your pie and if they can't have it then they will try to stop you from having it as well. You are doing things that not everyone can do, you provide quality, and immersive, entertainment while also providing an escape from the mundane and you do it very well. Keep doing what you do and live, laugh, love and all that jazz


Have you asked the guys at floatplane if they can help you out? They're still in beta, but if they'll have you it could provide some more stability. They started the site to be a fallback for just this kind of nightmare.


We got yer back in this


That $200 dollar tier starting to look really good to me right about now haha! You 2 are great and you guys will get through and us fans will support you!


2006: YouTube: broadcast yourself! 2019: YouTube: Demonitize yourself! 2020: YouTube: Go F*ck yourself! We'll try to support you in any way we can guys! Hang in there, they can't get away with this.


YouTube is really put themselves at risk with this it's already been proven that mxr fans are hardcore why are the poking this hornet nest

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-27 20:30:35 https://www.reddit.com/r/MxRMods/comments/erpoq2/the_second_crusade/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share
2020-01-21 11:22:04 https://www.reddit.com/r/MxRMods/comments/erpoq2/the_second_crusade/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share



We got your back Henry, hopefully this will all get sorted out soon. It absolutely broke my heart when you started crying.

Joshua Lalonde

You guys are the most resilient people I know, even though this time is really tough and there is a a LOAD of stress no matter what happens know you’ve got your supportive fan base and each other for support. I’m wishing you guys the best! 😕


Been watching since 2014. This channel was a big part of my childhood. Don’t ask why I’m watching this at 14. Probably the only channel I watch every video that pops up. Thank you for all the content. Keep going.

Greg Dougherty

If you two get kicked off YouTube I'm going to kick YouTube off this planet 😡 not happy with them you and Jeannie make me smile ever time I see you two together. love you guys so much 🖖🖖


Keep your head high, Fam.


Hey man, least we can do to help. Try not to be too broken up over monetization, you've got lots of support here.


dude I really hope it all goes back to normal I enjoy your videos and yeah just keep pushin maybe youtube will notice


Fingers crossed and to wish you good luck

Erwin Doppler

I was shocked by this I mean wtf You Tube so I thought that I raised my Pledge here to the 20$ one.


I joined back during the Jukin Media debacle, and I'm still here with twice the emotional support. Not much else I can offer


here since MXR Mods only and will continue to support you guys all the way. Hope it all gets resolve soon!


You guys are THE BEST! Stay strong and know that we have your backs.


I hope there is something else that I can do for Henry and Jeannie. More than supoorting from here...


Its ok im shaping my pitchforks now


This is BS, I just signed up to your Patron at the $5 tier, I really enjoy your content and want to do what I can to help out.


Decided to pitch in because I've came to really like the videos Henry and Jeannie makes and they seems to be in a really bad patch recently. Henry and Jeannie, 頑張れ!僕たちは常に応援するよ!


Don't worry about it all Henry. It either will work or it won't, all of us here will support u either way. I part my YouTube by channel btw, so I catch all of your videos. Stay strong bro


I cannot believe what YouTube has done to you guys. I think that you're absolutely a riot, together. Jeanie, you are both brilliant and a cutie...Henry...you are very funny, but have DEFINITELY out kicked your coverage. I will continue to support you from here. BEST WISHES JEANIE IN MEDICAL SCHOOL, BOTH OF YOU, with the YouTube idiots and hopefully, they will come to their senses. LOVE YOUR VIDEOS ..


As if you haven't had enough to worry about. This could be a sign to further diversify. I know you have plans to get Jeannie on Twitch which is great, maybe you should join her and do a live stream each week (or more) live donations and revenue from such subscriptions would be very helpful. Keep on with YouTube of course, but the more revenue streams you have the less stressful the YouTube BS will be. You have a large fan base built in and I would guess that a high percentage of those have accounts on Twitch etc already. I for one will be a guaranteed sub on twitch when you both arrive.

Hudson Mills

upgraded mine to a $20 tier for reasons Spudtastic Spuddy keeps his word


Hi. You should branch out. Maybe upload on Pornhub, livestream on Twitch, get multiple streams of income. You guys were the first to introduce me to the, shall we say, underground of mods, and I thank you for it. Hope you get through this, we love you!!


You guys keep your head up through these rough times, because I can only come up from here, stay strong ❤


Brace yourself Henry, bad things tend to come in packs of three. But we are here for you, all the way. :)


I'm so sorry about your situation, youtube has gone wicked nowadays.. Greetings and much love to you both from Finland ❤


I have wanted to join here for a while. And this finally gives me a good enough reason. Im glad to support you and jeannie since Ive been watching for quite a long time. I hope that even if YT does go down youll still make videos for Patrons as I absolutely love watchin yall. Without either one of you itd be a huge loss to the channel. Jeannie brings the cute humor while Henry brings the more questionable and adult humor both of which make this channel unlike any other Ive watched. Pur3k0912


Man, this hit me hard. But guys, it definitely wasn't for nothing. You know those of us here on Patreon (at the very least) would follow you anywhere if you had to move platforms. I've been watching Henry's videos since Skyrim Mods Weekly was on something like 40 episodes. That's like the bulk of my adult life so far. I can't even play Skyrim without getting the urge to watch some MxR Mods, as opposed to the other way around. You've built a solid fan base. The Jukin Media saga confirmed that. And, before that, all the knives you got in the post. But would it possible for you to create another Patreon tier? I'm afraid I can't quite stretch to 200 dollars a month, but I could definitely double my patronage to 100 dollars quite comfortably. 파이팅!! 내 친구들, 사랑해.


Hey, I adore your channels, both of them, this situation is really nasty, first the Jukin, now the YT thing, maybe they connected, I dont know, theres not much I can do about it, except cancelling my subscription to YT music right now, and keeping my fingers crossed that everything turn good. Remember, after all, you still have fans, and we follow you to every platform which will suit you. Greetings for Henry and Jeannie from Poland ! piece !

Keith Schwerin

My only regret is waiting to long to join your Patreon Henry. Your vids are WHY I bought Fallout 4 and I plan to be a fan long after Fallout 5 and 6. If you have to change you content/channel so be it. Your a hilarious and creative guy, and I love watching your cooking videos with Jeannie. Even if your channel just turned into a simple VLog I'd still watch. Best of luck to the both of you.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-27 20:30:29 Im sorry i couldnt afford anything else but i do not have a steady income After todays video i got a massive lump in my throat im not sure how to explain it but i felt so upset with what is being thrown at you at the moment it hurt me to see you and jeannie cry i just hope that you guys can only go up from here But thank you for the months of entertainment <3 Wish you two the best
2020-01-21 14:30:08 Im sorry i couldnt afford anything else but i do not have a steady income After todays video i got a massive lump in my throat im not sure how to explain it but i felt so upset with what is being thrown at you at the moment it hurt me to see you and jeannie cry i just hope that you guys can only go up from here But thank you for the months of entertainment <3 Wish you two the best

Im sorry i couldnt afford anything else but i do not have a steady income After todays video i got a massive lump in my throat im not sure how to explain it but i felt so upset with what is being thrown at you at the moment it hurt me to see you and jeannie cry i just hope that you guys can only go up from here But thank you for the months of entertainment <3 Wish you two the best


I've only recently found your channel and I love all the content you put out. The amount of effort in your videos can be seen in each one and I wouldn't want you to stop making them. I truly wish you both the best and we will support you guys no matter where you go❤️


We will be here with you through it all. I wish I could say I can't believe what YouTube is doing but this kind of shadow ban has been popping up more and more. They want the platform to be corporate and totally safe for them to sell off to advertisers. They hate home grown creators now and this just shows it. It's time for us as fans to take a stand for the creators we love and unfortunately may be time to find a new platform


Glad that the jukin media fiasco is behind you guys, but im sorry for whats happening to your Youtube channel... always watch your videos, when I can. Every now and then, I binge watch them... (have alot of time on my hands :D) Hopefully Youtube starts thinking straight, and you guys can put this behind you. Know that your supporters on here and on youtube (Me included) are with you all the way.


Glad to be of service


Just joined Patreon because of this. Fuck YouTube. You and Jeannie as well as many others deserve better!


Literally just joined Patreon for this noble cause, its not right that wholesome people like you guys are having to deal with all this


Hell yeah, I also joined because of this. Also ... where is the Panda Patreon?


Henry, there a lot of content creators out there who i thought about being a Patreon member for a long time now. You and Jeannie are the only ones who touched me with your goofiness and laughter and sincere love. We got your back brother!

Seigfred John Agor

We’re here for you, as much as you’ve been there for us.


Hang in there guys! Hope you get this all behind you soon. We love you!


I hope you guys can work something out! I'll give whatever I can to help out.


Wont lie... been following yall on YouTube a year or so now.... and I dont do Patreon ever... so now with this senerio ever I do, do patreon now.... yall have now got me to the dark side... lmao


Can't let you down after seeing this video... Don't be to hard on yourself Henry, I know how you feel but you have a wonderful girl by your side that understand you and care about you as much as you care about her. I wish you two the best and hope everything will be alright soon !


This is the first time I have ever signed up for anybody's Patron. I plan on staying here for as long as I can. Henry I have watched your videos since the release of Skyrim. I have faithfully watched your videos and will do so for as long as I can. That is the biggest reason I became a Patron. I want to make sure that I can watch the content you release even if/after Youtube is a giant bitch.


Wish you all the best. Even if YouTube fails to care for a nearly 3-million-subscribers-member you can still post the videos on Patreon and choose the "Public" option (maybe just the censored ones to encourage subscribing).


What made me join you are the loveliest couple I have had the honour to watch you guys got me into skyrim

Dovahkiin.Zombie (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-27 20:30:25 Oh wow... Dude I am so sorry that this is happening to you &amp; Panda... The two of you are Amazingly Awesome and I just Love watching your videos. Try to keep your heads up!! I wish you all the Luck and Love in the world💕
2020-01-21 17:10:29 Oh wow... Dude I am so sorry that this is happening to you & Panda... The two of you are Amazingly Awesome and I just Love watching your videos. Try to keep your heads up!! I wish you all the Luck and Love in the world💕

Oh wow... Dude I am so sorry that this is happening to you & Panda... The two of you are Amazingly Awesome and I just Love watching your videos. Try to keep your heads up!! I wish you all the Luck and Love in the world💕


I've been with you guys for three years now, remember seeing Jeannie coming on and watching you play Skyrim, I remember the countless names of mods I've written down when you would do your reviews, so as to make my ultimate modded Skyrim. You started out small my friend, you won't go back to being small as long as we (loyal Companions and followers) are around. after that video, I refuse to let you down.


Jeannie, Henry you guys have brought a smile to my life for over a year now. I, and with me many others WILL NOT let you guys down! No matter what you fight for, you never fight alone.


If the vlog channel is unaffected maybe bring it back to life not necessarily as a vlog channel


Signed up to your $5 tier after watching your video, not sure how long I can keep it going but it will be fore a few months at least. Hope it helps!


Jukin Media was merely a trial run of the war ahead. We stand ready at the gates.


I got a lot of support through you and you videos. You have all my support in return

Wooseok Byeon

You guys are the reason how I learn about the beauty of Reddit... you cant give up now.. 지니님이랑 헨리님에 눈물을 보고.. 어찌 저희가 가만히 있습니까... 기대하세요, 저희 MxR 절대 포기 않습니다


You have my support, as always! Been playing a lot of DBZ Kakarot lately, we should all give MxR our power and spirit bomb de fuck outta YouTube!!!


I can only hope that this is just monitise bot Incompetence and no one is out for you. Try making a clean video about Jeannie talks about medical stuff and her time in school or yours.

The Weezel

Well saw this issue and said fuck it, just gonna give you my money rather than hope YouTube gives you some ad time. Such a stupid situation. They are dumbly trying to walk a tightrope of pointlessness. They can't do targeted ads on channels for kids but the one group they can clearly have targeted ads on is those with more adult content such as yours but they don't want that content either. Someone needs to explain how targeted ads work to both YouTube and the advertisers and stop all this fucking about.


That’s actually why I got it too , I’ve watched ever since the first video I saw from mxr plays and they are my top 2 channels . I wanted to get the 20$ one really bad but I’m broke rn so I only got the ten dollar one . But at least the ten dollar one still has Jeanie


Stay strong guys I’ve been a fan of you guys and it’s not fair and I hope you and Jeanie pull through


Sending my bit of support from Spain!


Just echoing everyone else but stay strong. If we can't support on YT then patreon sub it is.




Just upgraded my support here. It's not much, but I hope it helps.


In my opinion Youtube is just dying, and tries to make the most money out of it. So they put more agressive AI in charge ... I think thats due to our new european copyright laws that will come. And thats just the start of internet censorship.


Your channel is the only reason I turned off adblocking on YT, I'm glad you two will still be creating content.


Feel bad for you guys, I have been an fan of your MxR Mods and now I have been an fan of MxR plays for a couple of months or 6-8 month now. Love all of your videos and hope you and Jeanie gets through this fucking shit. Love from Sweden ✌️ And of course stay immersive


Whatever platform you go to I will follow! MxR forever!


Hey you two, I signed up to support you two and canceled my YouTube Premium. My money is better spent here


You guys have been my addiction i go to when I go to youtube. I don't really care much for Youtube but since I've seen you guys, that has boosted my time on that. I love MxR Plays!! Keep going strong!


Thanks for all the Laughs and helpful mod videos. the least i can do is help y'all out during this trying time :3. even if it is only a little.


New sub here and hopefully everything gets resolved. Keep your head up guys


I am still here for you two. Best of luck to you both.


Keep up the good work you Two! I watch and research your videos daily so if anything I'll be upgrading my subscription when I can.

Sural Argonus

YouTube has a horrible track record of screwing uploaders... perhaps it is simply time to kick them to the curb? Unless of course you are an 8 year old kid doing unboxing videos or something


My boyfriend and I watch so many of your videos. So sad that Youtube is giving you guys the run around. Hopefully, they fix it soon. We wish the best to both of you!


Not much more to add to all of this except myself, good luck guys.

Nathaniel Kitt

Yeah, I came here after seeing the video about the demonitization. New Patron here, and you're my second account I donated to now.


I've been following your YouTube channel for about a year. Subbed after your video today. Hope they get this monetization thing figured out for you.


I hope everything works out well for you both; troubles come in storms, huh? You have my support.

Therin Whitten

Just fair warning. Patreon may be heading in the same direction as YouTube, censoring things. I would open up a subscribestar account just in case. I will sub there and show support there too. Love your content, and have loved it for almost a decade. Holy crap almost a decade. Love the recorder mod too. Tell your girl amazing work on that. All the lines sound natural. Maybe one day she will finish it (Although, it is complete enough to enjoy a play through. )


Hang in there Sir Immersion, we love your content and a YouTube without it will be a sad one indeed


your followers are with you two!! We have your back


Henry, I've been following you for several years now. You've been my go-to channel to watch while I settle down for the night, and it's not easy seeing you and Jeannie go through this issue with YouTube. I've been losing faith in that site over the last few years over its ridiculous restrictions. I wish you both the best, and fear not -- your community is behind you. I'll be pledged to you for as long as you keep going and if I must up the tier then so be it. You both are great personalities and YouTube will get what's coming for them -- it's only a matter of time.


I think you should consider some other platforms, maybe even multiple to make sure you aren't financially reliant on one, so you can avoid situations like this


It's an honor to be among the greats! It's going to work out in your favor. I've been watching and loving your content for about 6 or 7 years think now. You got me to go on and bite the bullet and purchase my first gaming laptop so could explore the immersive world of MODS. Also the SLLOOOOTS🤣🤣🤣. Have you considered joining FloatPlane??? Created by the team over at LTT. You would have Your Freedom Back. I myself can not speak for everyone else; but bro I would definitely follow you over there if you and Jeannie considered that as an option. Always in our Prayers.


Lol, forgive my typos, auto correct 😅🐼🐼🐼


Watching the vids you put out is truly the highlight of my day. It's the reason I became an immersion scientist. I will continue to support you no matter where things in the future go. I wish for you nothing but the best.


I switched to YoutubeTV a couple of months ago but think I might cancel if YT cannot address this. Most of my time for entertainment is split between stumbling around and accidentally stabbing followers and children in Skyrim VR, installing mods, and watching MxR plays anyway.


Just signed up after the video and man you guys are going through some tuff stuff. Hope you guys get through it all!


I will follow you anywhere you go.


Signed up after the Jukin media debacle and will continue to support and follow you to whatever platform the future takes you two. Stay strong and know that there are so my people that are in your corner!

Matthew Dailey

We're with you man. keep staying the course.


Good luck man. Enjoy your vids and hope things get better for you

Rich Cizik

Both of you focus on your love of each other, you are definitely each other's anchor.

Rich Cizik

Pure speculation, but I hope YT is not getting petty after the wrath of the public brought down on one of their cash cows (known by the initials JM). Keep strong, other venues are getting stronger the more YT trys to kill their own site in the name of being bland.


The Jukin situation almost made me join as a Patreon, this tipped me over, my way of showing I support your content.


I posted this in the comments on YT but I'll cross post here as well. Yo Henry! I'm not sure if you remember me but you and I went clubbing together out in LA one night a few years back and ended up getting wings at the end of the night. I'm sorry you two have been going through all of this! I have a couple connections over at YouTube through my buddy who is a content manager that works with YouTube on a daily basis. I can link you guys up if you'd like. Not sure how much it will help if any but figured I would at least offer. He knows quite a few people there that deal with this sort of stuff directly and his job is to make sure everything our company post can be monetized so he is very well versed in ever changing algorithm. You were a really cool dude when we hung out and I'd like to help if I can. I have your number if it's still the same. Text me or hit me up on FB.


Hey Henry and geenie, correct me if i am misppelling your names 😂 i am what you call a silent watcher i never comment because i watch on my ps4 and as far as i know i dont have the option to comment 😶 english is not my native language so bear 🐻 with me, i watch your videos on both mxr mods wich was the first i started to follow and mxr plays i know you got a mxr vlogs but man i have so little time and so many videos to watch 😉 any way i enjoy watching you guys an a daily basis you are my favorite procrastination time 😂 i understand for you this is your work and it is just as viable job as an construction worker so what YouTube is doing feels for me as a form of piracy. and i dont like that! So here i am patreoning you, i lost my patreon verginity with you, you derserve this. Much love and keep on sloothing now were are the slooths?




Hey man, if you need to cuddle I got you bro, Homie to Homie.

Jonah Forrest

I’ve never used Patreon or donated Money to a channel before but I love you guys and after the sh#t train that keeps coming back for more, I wanted to support you along side all your other fans, I now have patreon and you are my first and only subscription. Just know that we all support you and want you smiling once again. Wish you well. Ps. I always heard about the sloot mods on your YouTube, but now that I’ve seen it... you beautiful man must have descended from heaven with your wisdom for us, many thanks.


I'm a new community member, only started watching your channel since a week or two ago. It's been quite a ride :p I really enjoy the humor and awesome chemistry between you and Jeanie, warms my heart (and here I was thinking I was dead inside). Youtube has been going downhill fast in recent years, so I find it only fair to support channels I enjoy through other means. Hope you are both well and this issue gets resolved soon, one way or another. Best wishes, from Belgium.


Damn, man. That really annoys me. YT is going through some weird duckerinos out there. It seems like YT is becoming more centered towards favoring media companies that "provide wholesome entertainment for all" when they can't even give us a laugh or two. People get to be so offended these days and Susan Wojcicki doesn't give a dime about the future of smaller content creators. It's all about the money they generate off ads that prefer to sponsor bigger names. And on that note, f**k YouTube. Keep on being immersive guys! We're here every step of the way!


Came here after watching your post-Jukin heartbreaking video to support you both. Stay strong and let YT know that you aren’t going to roll over and let them single you out. If you do then they win and others will suffer the same. You made the right call in using their platform to campaign for yourselves and that really is the best leverage. Keep it up and hug each other and stay strong!


been subscribed for 7 years been watching you since week 18 of skyrim mods weekly i will help as much as i can . wish i could spread the wealth more but i got my own hardships im going trough keep strong immersion king i hope things get better


Been a fan for years, best of luck with this YouTube terminator bot you got reviewing you guys.


I been a fan for some time, don't want to see you go man. if you need any help im sure each and every one of us would pitch in on edits or anything to make thing flow so you two can not stress as much. you have a following of people with many skills that im sure we would offer to give you two help.


I just saw a video by a small channel with a pinned comment from the channel creator complaining about not being reviewed for days. With the information from The Quartering it’s clear that this is a very wide spread problem. My theory is that they made a bad update to the algorithm and it flooded them with false positives and now they are overflowing with review tasks.


Would hope they would at least say something about it. Doesn't seem like they give a crap about the creators that made their platform

Papa Triggz

Still rooting for you guys


Rooting for you guys! You and Baumi are the last YouTubers i watch. They really made the service terrible for all of us.

Sean Williamson

Henry u got this. Don't forget, you don't make you money from YouTube. You make your money from us, the veiwers. If YouTube takes you down then we will all follow you to the next platform. Just back up all of your videos, and keep us up to date on where you will be going. Ur worth the $5 a month. Lady Panda is worth $100 a month, if only I had the money😅. But keep y'all's heads up and keep pushing forward, no matter how hard they try to pull you back. Don't forget that YouTube is nothing without us, the viewers, and I'm sure most of us will gladly never go on YouTube again for your sake. U have millions of followers. They say one man can change the world, so why not several million? Good luck My Lord. We bow in awe before your slootness🙇


Keep your chin up. We're here for you.


This isn't the first time yt does this kind of things against their own regulations, they for example removed the video "Hit or Miss" by ILoveFriday and never admitted it, they also regularly remove my likes, dislikes and comments who don't comply with the world's dictators' interests. I'm sure digging up a bit you could find an infinity of other cases which you could show to a lawyer like that French guy who made some videos on this case and the jukin ones. But of course the usa's law being all in the interest of injustice, crime and world domination this will not go anywhere. For example what is the purpose of a case in court if they first decide that the proof of illegalities are legally not shown/contemplated in said process?🤔


We’ve got your back!

Cool Dad Gaming

After you made that video I decided to finally take the dive and support you on here. I feel like YouTube is purposefully demonizating videos from content creators that speak out against them in a hope of purging their platform of dissenting opinions.


Dude. I like your work. If I didn't I wouldn't give you money every month for it. Keep up the good work my dude and dudette


Dude, you got dis.


Love your channel and love you two! Favorite channel!


MxR! I hope you try a bit harder to update your patrons on things in the future. Like just on serious issues at least. We're all super worried about you and Jeannie! TheQuartering made a video showing how a lot of his videos got monetized again and YouTube even send a tweet directly to you, but your fans still have no clue if they actually fixed anything


Hope you guys get it resolved!

William Leppert

You guys have an army of pandas behind you. We're here for the work you do cause we love it. Don't stress just focus on one thing at a time


God, seeing shit like this constantly makes me wish Youtube would die already so we could go back to the golden age of "YouTube" for a few years


Hey if y'all are still making videos at the time and I get rich I'll fund you 😂 but until then you have the whole Panda Patreon Army at your side


It's up to Prosecuting attornies to provide incriminating evidence. If it's not shown it can't be considered that's just how the law works mate. But yeah YouTube and the legal system in general are fucked.


Yeah, you're right @Justice Drake Kennedy, I'm only angry at messed up laws, for example some days ago my grandparents lost 300.000 chf because of a stupid swiss law that turns a land they own from buildable into farmland with little to no compensation. A land parcel that is in the center of a growing town. But I know I was partial in my rant and that laws are what they are.


@Henry @Jeannie I've been watching your content for quite a while and it sucks that after so many years, YouTube has not only thrown you under the bus but drove the entire transit system over you two. Love what you do on both your channels and I guess this as good a time as any to give you a more active support. Keep fighting the good fight!


Lots of love from Sweden


Patreon is still somewhat new for me, but I recently started watching MXR Plays and you remind me of myself and my girlfriend and I fell in love with your content instantly. I hope this helps and I hope you see more of your guys' content. Genuinely love you both. ❤

Jimmy Chan

You two are the best, keep on keeping on :) https://youtu.be/0kEumMOJ1zQ


Not gonna lie, I don't understand why mxr cooking is 10$. It doesn't require censorship so I was wondering why it's even on patreon. The people on youtube will never see the series again and they don't even know why


Stay strong


I wasn't a Patron for a long time and I understand why. They need a reason to get people to go to the $10. But they don't want the uncensored mods being there because then nobody would sign up for the $5 tier. Why do this? because some people really can't afford that extra $5 but they know that most people do come and sign up for the uncensored mods so put the thing that most people come for in the more affordable package...this is just my assumption but it makes sense to me.


that makes sense and it's only a small minority that wants cooking, they're extremely passionate about it though. So if they complain about no cooking. but now MxR can shift the blame from it isnt very popular to sorry guys it's patreon perk

Matthew Daems

Pah werid faal koraav drog Henry ahrk faal kodaav jud Jeannie!

Ice man

good luck best wishes on dealing withYT. I am a bit confused though as isn't there 91 posts unlocked for my tier ? if so how come only 30 MxR plays and 17 mods are available? just trying to work the site just if site just not updated fair enough. I do think you guys are great.

James Utter

I'm new and just wanted to say that while I don't have much to share atm. I'm happy to share what I can with the content creators that shine rays of light into my dark world. As I get back on my feet and get things back in order. I will be supporting you even more in the future. I've disabled YouTube from my phone and removed it from my browser. I most only watched mxr plays videos. I don't tolerate those companies. I no longer use Facebook and stopped playing world of warcraft because of these types of irrational behavior.

Daniel Ownby

I hope everything works out great for you and Jeannie 🙏