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Hey all, an update on the extortion situation.  I've connected with thequartering.  He's figuring out the situation right now and getting in contact with his fair use lawyer as well as his contacts at Youtube.  

I have a YT employee who's also reaching out to the copyright department to see if they can do anything about this.  

And a YT friend Oompaville who's hitting up his network to see if they have a solution as well.  

Thanks again everyone for the love and support.  I thought we had already seen everything on MxR mods, I guess the end of Youtube troubles never ends eh?  

If you sent me an e-mail i'm sorry if I don't get back to you in a timely manner, there's currently a lot going on.  Thanks for your patience!




S.O The Quartering


It's serious when Jeannie cries

Chicken Squish Squish

You guys will get through this. Those slimeball shitheels are merely professional trolls.


What is the full email address?????????????


Happy you guys are getting this help on this. It sucks to see you upset in videos like that


He has a post about a company trying to extort youtubers by bypassing YouTube's fair usage rules so hopefully he can help. Good luck to you guys love your content


Yo Jermey knows what he's doing. Him and Tim Pool know how to take care of YouTube's bull crap system


As soon as I saw Jeannie trying to hold back tears is when the anger hit me.


Half Asian Super Lawyer, Bill Richmond to the rescue


Its a bunch of b.s. yall shouldnt have to deal with


Hope everything gets better for you guys!!!

Xavier Hyrul

Thanks for the update. Glad to see that it's going in the right direction. Hopefully it'll be over soon and peace will come back! Looking forward the next update! I'm worried!


We're with you guys, don't give up!


Thank God you guys are getting help. This is some low shit, and it shouldn't have happened. We're with you guys all the way!


So glad to hear it. upward and onward! You'll fight this, and you'll win.


Thanks for the update, We know you guys are working so hard to support each other. Don't give up and keep fighting!

Kyle Ray Norsworthy

Thanks for the update. If all else fails I am willing to just pay for patreon and watch videos here or it would be fun to watch y'all live on twitch and reacting to stuff. Love y'all and I hope everything goes your way.


Glad to hear thanks for the update hope all goes well I've been watching since the early 50k subs


Hey Henry & Jeannie, Glad you've found people who can help you so quickly. I just hope you can take these scumbags down, or at least force them to stop harassing you. Just remember that you've got the full backing of everyone who wants you two to succeed. Your channel has brought me boundless joy, likewise for the friends I've introduced to it, and it's my sincere hope that you can continue creating content as long as you wish to do so. I've increased my patron tier to show as much support as I can at the moment. I know my one contribution isn't much, but it seems like you need all the help you can get. Best of luck.


Jeannie please stop crying the crusade starts now


You need to watch the latest YouTube video on MXR Plays


Yeah, it was the crying Jeannie part that got my undies in a bind. Get'em!


Glad to see the gears are moving! I hope things work out and that it's done with quickly.


Me and my gf love you guys so much and this channel has brought us together and really helped our relationship. I literally bought her a Kuma panda and a couple others to start building her panda family lol. She loves you guys almost as much as I do and we both hope you guys come out of this soon and grow as people and as a channel ♥️♥️♥️


Thank you for the update. I hope for more.

Daniel tavares

Damn that’s sucks. I just watched the video.. what can we do to help?


I know I speak for every single one of us when I say we have your back in any and all ways we possibly can. You guys are two of the best people who give so much laughter and joy and we are all behind you and send all our thoughts toward this working out.


Henry, Jeannie you two got through so much together! Keep going we'll be here and have your backs! Fall into our arms and we'll help you both to get up again, stumble and we'll be here to catch you before you hit rock bottom. We are the Potastic MxR Family. To quote my favorite Disney movie ever: Ohana means family and family means no one is left behind or forgotten.


Oh and to add a recent joke I came up with after seeing the Hyena Jeannie: Just wait those mean people will be bitten in their butts by hyenas!


Fucking hell, this is ridiculous! Hope you guys get good news soon! Hope the bastards doing this to you get what's coming to them.


Thank you for the update. I am glad things are moving forward for you. Also just so you know you don't have to react to videos for us. What I enjoy is seeing you both interact with stuff. I am sure others feel the same. :)


Goddamn it. I hope your contacts will be able to help.


Awesome you have some friends in "higher places" that MIGHT be able to do something Henry! Hope that works out!! That definitely looks like extortion, and you shouldn't have to put up with it.


Thank you for updating, and we're so glad you have friends who may be able to do something! This is absolutely ridiculous. We love you both and you're our absolute favorite channel to watch. If a couple of artists from Alaska can help somehow, give us a holler. Good luck <3


I'm glad things are looking up. Keep up the great work you two.


Jeannie crying is one thing but I'm always hurt when I see Henry getting dragged through the mud like this. But y'all kept coming back and I have hope that you'll make it out on top this time too. Hang in there and always, thanks for all your work.


You are both incredibly entertaining together. The videos just act as catalysts; images, audio clips, or texts could serve just as well to bring out your great shared sense of humor. You will get through this.


I lurked your videos for long enough without being a patreon supporter. but this is cruel and abusive. sorry you guys are getting targeted .I'im fully behind you two.

Freddie Lee

Youtube trouble never ends but so does MXR.


Much love you two stay strong


I make a gofundme page to mxr play


Be strong, hoping YT helps you. You guys should make another alt channel on bitchute just in case.


God, I really hope you guys can get through this.

Sun .

지니씨 걱정하지 마세요 헨리는 아주 듬직하구 믿음직스러운 훌륭한 남자니까요. 그는 당신이 절대 그냥 울게두지 않습니다♡




Eh, links don't work, but Leonard French did a video about your situation.


Became a patron just to help support this cause. Copyright's such bs anymore >.> Glad you've found a way to act in response to the situation.


Didn't know this shit was happening until now. Who TF is jukinmedia and why are they such cucks?


You guys just became my first patreon subscription. I hope you two get through this and we'll be here to support you no matter what. Stay strong!


These people a just some trash-tier muckrakers. You'll get past this.


The DMCA is probably the biggest problem with modern copyright law, putting way too much power into the hands of content owners, allowing people like Jukin Media to abuse the system.


As a Regular viewer of The Quartering I am glad he's lending a hand. My thoughts and prayers for your "thots and 'Prayers'."


We got your back like Pino!


Perseverance brother, perseverance. Been watching your videos since you've first video, I figure it's finally time for me to do my part. Stay strong, whether through this like you always have, your community got your back.


I can only imagine how stressful this must be for you both, but ultimately try to focus on the support you have from your community. A company that licenses viral video's? Seems somewhat predatory to me. The Quartering is a good dude and I'm sure you guys will get through this, just as you have cleared all the other hurdles YouTube has thrown at you. All the love and support to you both.

Sean Tyson

Hey guys, hang tough! Yeah, it's bs, but you'll get through it. Just know that probably thousands of people and small firms get hit with this kind of crap every day, and most get through it by using their heads. These copyright douchebags are just looking for a quick buck and if you stay strong they'll go look for easier prey. Best wishes!


Hey guys, I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I feel I can confidently say though that whatever happens you'll always have thousands of loyal fans that have benefited from your videos. I've watched them sometimes when I just need a good laugh, or when I've had a bad day to get a little pick-me-up. Just wanted to say thank you, and I hope and pray that you guys come out on top of this. ✌👋


Send a claim back to them


Whatever direction you go whichever platform you decide your fan's will follow cuz Teh-tays. Serieously, your work has shown me that immersion is not just another way to learn a language. You have awakened the inner gamer nerd in me, I am a new but loyal fan good luck !


Here is to hoping things work out. I can not help but smile and laugh in your videos and I know others do too. Just hang in there.


Stay strong Henry.


You got this!

Torben Frigger

As some others I became a patreon just right after I've seen your video. I hope our all support will help you out of this situation soon!


I hope you do get in contact with the lawyer that the quartering knows. If his name is Bill i am sure he can help you. Stay strong Henry and Jeannie. You will get thru this with the support of all your fans.


I don’t pay for streaming services anymore and thought I’d use some of the money I have from that to support two very great creators that don’t deserve the constant harassment they get.


I joined to support you through this troubling times. Henry, i could have joined some thot's patreon in the past (Lord knows I wanted but never did because it was stupid). So know this, Jeannie's smile has got to be protected. I hope you guys can sort things out.


Reaction videos fall under US Fair use laws. "Section 107 of the Copyright Act provides the statutory framework for determining whether something is a fair use and identifies certain types of uses—such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research—as examples of activities that may qualify as fair use." Aditionally: "Purpose and character of the use, including whether the use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes..." Source: https://www.copyright.gov/fair-use/more-info.html My advice (not a lawyer) would be to seek immediate legal consultation from someone who specializes in copyright claims. Copyright court is its own branch of the US judicial system. I would not recommend just talking to any lawyer, but someone whose sole focus is the copyright courts system. Junkin media has been taken to court a plethora of times and have garnered a reputation in California for overstepping fair use laws. You are certainly within your rights to file a suit against them. I would; however, consult the proper attorney to determine the correct method of filing and what claims to bring against them. In the interim, I would suggest backing up your content to a personal storage device. On a lighter note, they can't claim MXR's Kitchen videos or Origional Songs (Dig a Tunnel). We're all just here to see you and Jeannie anyway, so the type of content is irrelevant (imo). Best of luck. If you need any help finding a lawyer, shoot me an email: sinicalmedia@gmail.com


I’m not sure what the chances are of you reading this are, but I think it is important for you two to know that no matter what you two do. Your community will support and love you guys, not because of your content, but your personality. Also wanted to let you guys know that you guys have the strength I can only dream of, I don’t think most people could go through what you two have been through and still upload consistently. You two have my heart and my prayers. 🙏💗


I don’t know if I can afford it next month but I chipped in what I could for now. Remember though, for every bully you have countless supporters, and friends.


Hi MxR Plays I never been the type to pay for youtube or twich things, But i want to show my support to you guys, i enjoy watching your videos a lot and i have begun to use a lot of the mods that Jeannie and you show off. I recently started playing Skyrim SE again with a lot of the mods you show. I saw the video you have posted on youtube and just wanted to show my support for the work both of you are doing. Good luck and hope you stay around :)


Hey, just saw the video. I hope this helps you with the situationor a team that can help. Just want to say I love your reaction video especially with cheerful Jeannie and her sound effects.


Just wanted to give you guys some support... love ya, keep fighting the good fight, and keep on keepin on


Sorry guys. Came for Skyrim, stayed around for you two.


I love your content and i just wanted to support you guys. The best of luck with the whole situation.


After watching the last video I signed up to Patreon just to support you both with what little I can. Thank you for being awesome, I hope it all gets sorted out soon. :)


After I watched the last video I snapped my wallet open to support you guys.


I’m sorry y’all are going through this. You’re really the only channel I keep up with and look forward to. I hope my support will help. Good luck and praying for your fortune.


Stay strong, its over soon! ❤


I came across MXR Plays while in a dive on Youtube and loved the channel (didn't know anything about MxR Mods). I watch your vids every time they come out with my wife and we crack up. Had to support you guys in this. Its BS and I'm sorry you are going through this.


Screw Jukin Media man


I’m so sorry this is happening to you two, I hope this all works out in your favor in the end. And fuck Jukin media.




Jeremy (TheQuartering) comes out swinging :)


We are with you on this! If shit hits the fan, your war chest will be filled to the brim and we`ll back you all the way!


We love you guys. Doesn't matter what happens down the road we are here for you guys, not just memes


I am 65 yrs. Shit like this never goes away, it just makes you stronger (and other things). Just say fuck off.


Do you have a Go Fund Me? Let us know if you start one!


Just watched TheQuartering's video. I firmly believe you guys will win this whole thing. On top of that, you have started a crusade across the internet against this company, and may save numerous other channels and content creators across the world the heartache of such deplorable practices. Keep strong you two, we all love you and are behind you 100%!!


Leonard French (Copyright Lawyer on YT) also did post a video about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PImfeOO5YuA&t=866s


It is going to get as immersive as f**k for Jukin Media...

Greg Dougherty

We are here for you Henry and Jeannie. You make me smile every time I watch one of your video's and I just watched a video discussing your case 🤘 so other youtubers are on your side 🥰 love you two heaps


Is it possible to have a list of videos which have somebody else is claiming your money? That way when we rewatch (I do so a lot) I can aim for the ones where you'll actually get revenue.


Just increased my patronage. This situation is BS, and I'd like nothing more than for you both to not have to worry about this kind of thing anymore. You've already paid them way more than they deserve, and you don't deserve anything remotely like this. I guess there's probably not much else I can do, but let me know if you need anything at all.


So glad you got in contact with them. Hope that all goes well. Personally, I think I would see about getting a refund for the past payment.


My wife is hammering out some things on Twitter directed at you guys to help out! This is a crime and we all know it! I would boost my monthly but I'm broke AF... fight the Good Fight, brothers and sisters!


Lawyer usually costs less than 6 grand to retain lol


Just joined you guys as a Patreon at the Lord of Immersion Level. Love your channels and have been watching as a subscriber for a while. This shit with Juking is what motivated me to join Patreon. I believe this predatory company just fucked up when they did this to you. I have seen the overwhelming response from your fans and these cock-roaches don't want the light we are about to shine on their extorting asses. Stay strong...This could turn-out to be a very good thing for you two...Mike


I like the videos on Patreon. I met you two on YT. Your youth and enthusiasm went along way with me. Got me hooked. Bastards got to ruin it for us good people. Fight the good fight. You have my support.


Henry & Jeannie...Just joined as a Patreon Supporter at the Lord of Immersion level. Love your channels and have been watching for a while as a subscriber. The s**t with Juking is what pushed me to up my support. I believe this predatory company just f****d-up big time. The way they get away with this is that most folks don't know they exist and what they do. I have seen the over-whelming response from your fans and these cock-roaches don't want the massive spotlight we are about shine on them. Stay strong...this could turn-out to be a very good thing for you guys and may prevent this BS from happening to other folks.

Classical Salamander

Does this sort of thing work often enough that these fools actually make money on this? I can't imagine anyone actually paying... that much $ is far better spent on legal representation. Good of you to fight it, and to spread the news.


Sorry about the two back-to-back posts...the first one didn't show up at first so I retyped it and reposted.


I have been a fan since before Jeanie joined you, and she has been an absolute Joyful addition to a great entertaining experience. You 2 are my first patreon sub. I have had some hard years, times when everything in life seemed to push me down. (Mostly my stupid decisions or lack there of) Both of you have been a highlight in my life. Your videos have been something to give me joy. My life has improved greatly in the past year (still a long road ahead), and I want you to know you have many fans behind you. Don't give up on your dreams. Keep working hard and it will pay off. I love you both and wish you the best!


increased my patronage. if you need to take a break, feel free


Hey, this is some bull. However this maybe time to change gear? Maybe do more LPs, cooking, reviewing stuff (Like nerdy items or games)?


Have been enjoying mxr mods for a long time, and last couple of weeks caught up on all of the mxr plays content, which makes me very happy. I was so sad to hear about this situation, I wish you both the best in working this out! Hang in there


you've got all the support and prayers on you're back




I don't know if you guys have seen this yet. But this YouTube Law guy ( Lawful Masses with Leonard French) made a great video to support your case. I wish the all the best for you 2. Love you guys. https://youtu.be/ko4f_X-QFrM

Juha Linna

Reminds me post from one discord channel where someone posted email where kotaku was asking permission to use he's video clip that he posted in reddit for compilation video. It must be hard to get permissions for every videoclip. Edit: That video was only collection without commentary so they need license.


I'm currently saving to get my first car, but I'll be damned if I could help in the fight against a corporation trying to basically blackmail money from beautiful human beings and I decide to get a car instead. Here's 10$ a month for a future where content creators can actually create content!!


I've been a supporter for around 6 months now (even when I was unemployed) and a fan of both your channels on YouTube for years. You deserve better and if anything YouTube should be kissing your asses to keep people on there. I have my fingers crossed for you guys on getting this fixed and fixed soon.


Hi guys, let me just say that it’s sad and ridiculous of what’s happening to you. But seeing the response is also heartwarming. Sometimes you might feel you’re alone, but you’re never truly alone. There are friends and people who care! I really hope you two will get through this, your videos always give me a big smile!


The community will always stay together and be here to support you


I'm very proud of the community. I've been following you from the beginning, and I know that you don't deserve this treatment. Also, Floatplane may be a good option for you as well. I remember telling Linus about it after I watched one of your previous Youtube problems videos. Hopefully he reached out to you. I would gladly subscribe to you on Floatplane. Anyone that doesn't know about it should look into it. It's just starting to get rolling now. Anyway, I'm so proud of this community, and all those that support you, and lets face it, lost their shit when they saw Jeannie cry on video. But I remember a kid doing mod videos a long time ago... Your community loves you both. Don't lose faith. And God willing, you'll see a resolution to this soon.


I began my Patreon when I heard the news. Hope my $10 will go a long way in supporting you two. Loved you all since high school!


Kick some ass broski


Keep the Spirits high! We are all backing you! :)


Wanted to let you and Jeannie know the nets definitely got your back on this. Jukin is getting hit hard across all their platforms. I've been watching mxr mods and mxr plays for the past couple years and have enjoyed watching both of you on YouTube. They need to fix their demonization stuff but doesn't change the fact that we subscribers don't want yall Goin anywhere. If something was to happen to your channels just let us know what your new one is (if there is) and I'm sure we will happily refollow the both of you on it. Stay strong the both of you don't let some company push you around. Yall got this.


I don't know if anyone else has posted this already, but just in case: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtV_nYZT-mg


Love your work as always, I don't know much about law but morally speaking, extorting by threatening to end someone's career is an ultimate douchebag move. Best luck!

Sunny Mak

We can fight this. 我們一定會贏的。MxR﹐加油。大家都在支持你!


Best of luck with this, I've been seeing your case on lots of channels out there. My only recommendation would be to locate and consult the right sort of Lawyer.


its been 2 days I hope everyone works out well


I can't do much but I'm here to support you guys


Your story spread like wildfire Saturday. Hope it gets things corrected for you two.


just a dollar a month but we are a lot and so much people are willing to help! - hope you will get through this!:)


Good luck to you guys! I love your videos and wish you both the best. <3


I see the story is on the BBC News website now


good luck guys I hope you kick Junkin Media's ass :)


Your situation has even made BBC news in the UK, so it's getting a fair bit of attention which is hopefully good news!


There is a status update somewhere ? MxR you are doing a great job, stay strong.


I am now only a $10 a month member, but I hope even this little bit helps.


Hey, your story has gone international: https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-51090857


Stay strong, you two. Someone always has to be the face of these first few fights. Stinks that it has to be you but we all believe in you.


I just saw The Quartering vid. Looks like those Jukin bastards are running!


I've been watching MxR Mods for years and it's your fault I've started modding and never even finished Act I until a couple of months ago^^. I just recently found MxR Plays and now I'm binge-watching your channel. You two are awesome. Something good in this dark place. You're the first Patreon I've subscribed to and I hope it helps you solve this issue. Don't stop. Don't let them push you around. You'll get through this. Thank you!


Sorry to hear about all this bullshit MxR. Junkin media is nothing but leeches. No matter what happens you and jeanie will always find success. These junkin bastards are not immersive . Remember that Jimmy!

James Murfin

It really sucks that they’re trying to extort you guys who have made a career out of making people smile. I hope it doesn’t come to that but if it does come to court I’d second the suggestion of a legal fund, we’re behind you guys. Stay immersive x


According to a video of The Quartering, Jukin Media is running scared! Their CEO deleted his Twitter 😂. Keep it up guys! They are weakened, as long as the two of you stay strong, we'll beat 'em! Let 'em never mess with the internet again! https://youtu.be/j5Ms4gW7Ei8


Stand strong!! Know your followers and the wider online community are standing side by side with you. Parasites like this predatory company will fail! we have the synergy to cripple them. I'm so proud of so many not gaming and react content creators standing up as well as all of the other people who just want to see true fairness. Stay stong Henry and Jeanie and know that not just your supporters, but the wider online world support you and others in your situation. Peace


I am very sorry to hear and be late but I was very sick. You have full support from Michigan!!!! ✊✊✊✊✊✊✊


Man I'm glad things are possibly looking up. Stay strong! I've been watching MxR Mods since 2012 and subbed to MxR Plays the second I found out about the channel. Love you guy's content and you guys are amazing <3

Black Lotus

We immersion warriors will be here to pick you up when things go wrong.

Black Lotus

Stay strong Hen Hen and Jebeanie, stay strong and keep posting. I love your videos keep up the hard work <3


I've been watching your videos for a long time, After seeing this i had to support you on patreon. Stay strong both of you <3


Comments on the issue by an actual lawyer. LegalEagle. https://youtu.be/5A_i-sB9H0Q


LegalEagle #notlegaladvice! Always have a capable Attorney on hand to help your business. I am wishing you both well! Henry and Jeannie, take some of this patreon money to protect yourselfs! Use the 4 Fair Use factors for all your material. 11 myths of ©️.


make sure to take a look at the video on the matter by LegalEagle


I see they worked it out. Good News !


You should add another level of immersion that involves you and Jeannie both dressed as recorder. I don't have the money, but people would legit pay to see it.


I hope it all goes well Henry, really pulling for you and your girl!

Derrick Walton

So here we are in 2020....and what's it been? Like 9 years...and I'm just getting around to seeing and enjoying all of your Skyrim videos??!! OK...to be fair though, I only started playing Skyrim about a year and a half ago. Though now I on ponder on what other useless things I've been doing with my life other than playing Skyrim and modding the living shit out of it! Am I allowed to say that? I mean....YouTube has given you a bad time with posting your artistically modded "Sloots". So maybe Patreon will give you shit for profanity(oops....I did it again)! So I am ready....a little late perhaps to board the MxR exprss. I'm quitting my job and dedicating the rest of my life and career to Skyrim and modding the ever-living fuck out of it! Well....at least until TES Skyrim 6, may not even happen in my lifetime....NO MATTER!! SKYRIM IS FOR THE NORDS! If it's good enough for them, then it's good enough for me! Wait....how come no one has done a makeover for poor Barabus? He's a pretty scruffy......no......hideous looking dog! To say nothing of the way he keeps getting in your way if you want to keep him through another quest not related to the Clavicus Vile thing. Just sayin'..... I digress. I'm not gay or bi, but I guess my dream of marrying my favorite Youtuber and dedicating my life to everything that is SKYRIM is out of the question. You already got a girl (...er, "woman"). I guess I'll have to go it alone, as my wife is likely not to even have the most remote interest or even have even an inkling what I'm talking about. It's a lonely life(sigh....). I envy you really....you got a lady who loves to do the gaming thing and support your ....(ahem...) artistic endeavours of "slootiness" (...is that even a word?). Anyway keep up the good work Henry all the best to you and Jeannie! Bye!