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DIRECT VIDEO LINK: https://vimeo.com/355890458/ab389eae02

Thank you so much for everyone being a part of this Patreon.  Despite all the rough times I've had on Youtube, I've never felt at risk of losing my job security at any point thanks to all the love and support on here.  Once again we've hit a rough patch but I think we'll get through this and I hope you all can understand.

Also Jeannie and i will begin planning on extra content for Patreon here, much love.




Joined up because of this video. I enjoy that you don't water down your content. Keep ya head up!


so did i

Inquisitor James

Why is having lover lab link something that can be banned? That’s so bullshit. It is already age restricted.


I know we can make it through this, we have survived so much together. The comments on the YouTube video has some great ideas which definitely can help to bring MXR mods back and make MXR plays even better than it already is 😍😍


Keep you the good work man, we’ll see you back strong in two weeks

Christopher Bryant

i dont understand why they would even care. shit seems tyrannical.


Don't worry about it no matter how long it takes we will always come back, you're really funny! We will always come back


Keep up the good work!!!!


So shitty of YouTube, but we'll keep supporting you as best we can. If there's gonna be new content (and a new tier), I'd love to see you bring back some of the favorites we haven't seen in a while, like vlogs and cooking and some gameplay (maybe pick back up on Subnautica?). Anyway, don't let it get you down, keep your head up and keep making dope shit.


Eh, we're all allowed to have stupid moments.


Hang in there, we will wait.


We love you man! don't feel down about this! you'll pull through!


That sucks man, have you considered starting a website? Then you could link each youtube video to your site in the description and have the mod lists/links for each video hosted on your site.


Your job security is shit so long as you use Patreon. They will fuck you over any time for "off platform activities". And then Jeannie will ditch you for that Dentist. Use www.subscribestar.com they hose ppl like Sexy Cyborg Naomi Wu who was kicked out of YouTube money and Patreon etc for having an option and opening her mouth for it. Subscribe Star and their pay processor doesn't discriminate


Well fuck. Good luck mxr I wish you the best in this shit storm


I'll be there when you get back, I know how hard it is to keep track of the small stuff for sure. Keep being you and we will be here for you!


Whatever happened to that notepad thing? Maybe link to an Google drive file with mod links? That way you by pass google? IDK if that'll work but it's an idea

Delphi Castillo

What happened? Are you ok? Don't worry


Call you an idiot? Never! You made a mistake and YouTubes reaction is that of a corporation they look out for themselves over everything else. It sucks but you still have the channel that you have put so much of your blood sweat and tears (maybe some other questionable bodily fluids) into. We immersion scientists will stick with you through this. (Even if only so that the diploma’s we printed off won’t become invalidated.)


Ive been watching you for years and I will always support your content you are so creative and you keep it real. That’s what I and so many others like about you wish y’all the best of luck.

Jake Lizarraga

Just joined after seeing the video. $20 tier was sold out so I went for the $10 tier and set it to $20 anyway. Gonna upgrade to the "MOTHER OF GOD" tier when I can afford it. You guys brighten up my day even when times get tough so you can be darn sure I'll support you when the demons of demonetization come along. Also, have you considered creating a Discord server that the upper-tier patrons can join? Surely the ability to chat with Lord and Lady Immersion will get everyone to upgrade their pledges. P.S. Congratulations on catching Jeannie in a Pokeball. Escape is no longer an option, mwahahaha!


How depressing! I just bought Skyrim SE and I was going to binge your vids for mod inspiration. Nevertheless, we're all here for you. And you have a great girlfriend who has your back. Your channel is important to you but your entire life doesn't revolve around it, so just stay positive and know that you are going to be alright. <3


What you did was an oversight, but with context, I don’t think that it was morally wrong. You’ve been clear about the content of your videos and who you consider to be the intended audiences. It may have been a misstep, but it was clearly unintentional (even if that doesn’t matter to YouTube). You probably feel like you screwed up, but you’re still good person, and you still tried to follow the rules (even the ones that were probably redundant and/or unnecessarily draconic). There’s a big difference between a rule that pays no regard to context and one that does, and in a situation like this, breaking the former doesn’t reflect badly on you. Don’t be too hard on yourself, Henry, we still support you.

Jake Lizarraga

BunBun is right. You have the real-life version of Recorder. Even without the channel, you're already the King of Success in addition to being Lord Immersion.


Just joined. Keep rocking, bro✊


Open up the $20 level so I can give you more money, damnit!!


Or make a $30 tier lol. I don't know if I can do $50 right now


Long time mxr mod sub. Even with the content I get now I’d be glad bump mine up to 10 to keep the channel going and even if the channel comes down I know I’ll still have MXR plays and that’s good enough too


Well we still got much love for you two! YouTube is just being an ass cause well....is what they know.

Tripin Throughlife

I have procrastinated becoming a patreon since you started the page. I just had to do it as soon as i seen you most recent video. I look forward to watching and hearing the most entertaining commentary on YouTube. I love both channels. Good luck MXR and so fucking happy for you and Jeannie.


Hang in there Henry, we're not going anywhere over some temporary youtube BS


Not to sound like a butthole but since you have a little more freetime, cuz youtube a dick, maybe look into doing something for skyblivion using your patreon. To kick off your 10 dollar thing maybe you can use it as a way to promote it and donate to the team. They need more exposure so they can find more people to help make the mod. Or maybe you could team up with them once mxr mods is safe again to do gameplay vids for them as like a partnership type thing. Idk. Just throwing something out there.

Malagigi L'Enchanteur

You do what you need to do, man. Longtime fan and your content is worth the wait. Good luck to you and Jeannie dealing with YouTube's idiocy.

Jake Lizarraga

When it's so clearly an accident YouTube could just remove it and send a notification like "we removed this link because it didn't meet our community standards." Oh wait, they won't send a notification because you need to hit the bell for that -_-

Jake Lizarraga

Welcome to the fam! Promote the channel so it hits 2M subs and cheers 'em up.


Love yall an hope you can get it sorted out, either way we are here for yall


Henry and Jeanie: I have supported you for a while and will continue to do so as long as I am able. MXR Mods is what got me into modding in the first place, and had made my Fallout experience so much better. I enjoy your Skyrim posts as well, even though I don't play that game. You guys are i entertaining and I enjoy watching almost every thing you post, and the interaction between you. It is a shame Youtube works the way it does. Too much nanny state. which on-line entities kowtow to, unless you make them money (Twitch anyone? We will stand by you.


It is unfortunate that this is happening to you. I certainly enjoy your content and I am glad MXRMods hasn't been killed, only knocked out.


Just joined the patreon because of the yt bs. Keep your head up and keep on rocking it!


After watching this vid i decided to support MxR directly. Ive been watching youre vids for years. And never has he failed to make me laugh. No homo but i love and your work so much and it sucks to see you get shafted like you do. Its not much but i hope my pledge helps. Love you much and hope you can continue to make videos.


I've not played Skyrim since 2011 but I have been watching MXR Mods for years now just because I enjoy the content. Its a shame Youtube is trying to shut you down. I know you all are in CA but you may want to do a video on the current European union IG Metall action against Youtube to spread the word around: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZZ5Kouj_hQ . IG Metall is a huge union that has actual clout behind it and the more exposure this gets, the better every Youtuber will eventually be. Anyways, I am now a patron and hope the channels continue to grow!


In the same boat as the other folks in this comment section. Just want to do what I can to make sure you can keep doing what you can!


Seriously have been wanting to become a patron for a long time but never had any money and haven't had a job for awhile to focus on university. After seeing this video and getting accepted by my university to be a paid tutor this year, you already know what's good. You guys mean so much to me. MxR Mods and Plays are probably the only YouTube channels that I get so excited to see a new upload from that I drop everything that I'm doing to watch. I sincerely from the bottom of my heart thank you so much for everything you do. Stay strong! We got your back!


Youtube is a bitch.


Such BS with YouTube. We believe in you man, stay strong. You’ll be back on your feet in no time.


We all make mistakes. Hang in there! I'm not going anywhere. Having to deal with media platform nonsense seems to be a regular thing lately, but here's hoping you make it through for many years to come.

Ernest Mueller

Sorry about the troubles. Happy to be supporting you on Patreon. Keep up the good work!


Easy mistake to make. Hope it all blows over soon for you & having a break can be a good opportunity to regroup & focus. 👍


You guys should stream on twitch! Would be lots of fun to watch, just playing games or whatever


Idea for 10 dollar pledge sexy sexy Henry calendar


Holding out for you, Henry.


Jeannie stream on Twitch ;)


I don't think you're an idiot. Hang in there!

Jasdeep Pala

I'm sorry to hear that YT is being a bitch again... the two of you truly make my day, but I will endure your absence until you return, my immersion overlords.


If need be, set up an extra tier specifically for buying you stuff to help you chillax when Youtube be stressin' you out with their BS.. Like a cat picture, CBD, Lofi hip-hop fund. And a massage chair!


Put modlists in a gist or something and link to that. I doubt the robocensors will follow offsite. Fuck YT.

Melvin Duldulao

Hang in there Henry! You'll get through this.


What a gut punch. Hope it gets resolved quickly! You guys are awesome.


Welp, you did it Henry. You are officially my first patreon subscription. I've been following your channel for a long time now and now I can help. Hope you guys get through this.


YouTube is being very fucking un-immersive. Let the sloots be free.


hold in there mate you'll be right


I'm glad you've built yourself options. I'd encourage you to (where you find time) continue to diversify so we, your core audience, can keep supporting you even as various platforms fail to do so.


If you make a $10 tier, would I be able to just watch Jeannie just do a playthrough of Fallout4? I know she'll be busy with work, but I'm always hopeful.

Timothy Sparks

How about you post the list of mods here on Patreon as a free tier available. As long as you mention in the video you can get more traffic on your Patreon page and you won't have to smacking you with their Demonitization when one of the mods is Cyber Sloots 69 for Fallout 4 or How to fuck a tree stump creature for Skyrim.


I only found MxR mods (and then MxR Plays) about a month ago but after watching nearly all of your videos I feel like I’ve went through the journey with you guys. Don’t let the bastards get you down. Much love.


Am a sad boi, been with mxr mods since skyrim mods #60. Am v sad

Billius Bilarbre

Yay! Jeannie's on more! Maybe it's time to make your own web page with all your content, then link thru IG and FB! Just make sure you're on it on the soc. meds.


YouTube trying to have platform rights while acting like a publisher dicks they are


You're still my fav stupid, fucking idiot on YouTube! I don't even watch a lot of other stuff, but you keep me coming back. It's great that you don't give up hope and still plan to deliver the best and the sluttiest stuff for our pleasure 😊


Helping jeannie's med shool, finaly some well spend monny😁


i Just upgraded to the $10 Tier ❤️ Keep it up Henry :)


Can you survive and thrive on Patreon donations alone?

David Minton

Was so confused; you didn’t mention in the video description which site you removed your videos from. Maybe as a solution, create a website just for your episode links so you can’t make the mistake a third time? Would also add value as it would be easier to figure out which mods were in which episode.


So sorry that I could only start being a patron now but your video just made me so sad that youtube is such an asshole.


Just became a member cuz I can’t let YouTube do this to you guys


Fingers crossed they don’t take you down! That channel was what got me through a really rough time in my life! And still helps me to this day.


Just email one of us the link list and we'll put it in the replies :P


So happy and sorry for you guys, will always support you here on patron❤️


Finally became a member because of this. I love the work that you guys do and have been following the main channel for about 6 or 7 years now and would hate to see it go because YouTube is ridiculous.


If you have any of the raw video files of the older stuff still, could you potentially upload a full archive to Patreon for us to download? I've personally gotten into the habit of backing up some of my favorite youtube creators to my Plex server whenever controversy and stuff starts to happen, just in case. That way I always have a way of going back and watching DBZ Abridged & The Completionist, even when dumb Youtube stuff gets in the way.


One recommendation for ya, do what you want in the end, but put up a post on Patreon that’s free to everybody with the mod links and the name of the episode, that way those who want to check out the mods can come here, and you won’t have to worry about leaving a loverslab link.


it just sucks that you'll probably lose a couple hundred thousand subscribers just from not uploading :/


i wanna see jeannie in the 10usd tier :)

Roger Morse

Love you guys, hope you make it through. We have Patreon now, so Youtube can pound sand. Don't worry about it too much, just use YouTube to help you make real money here :P

UESC Battleroid

I don't even play skyrim nor FO4 anymore. I just watch the vidz for the slo.. IMMERSION.


i am watching this channel because you two in this videos so dont worry <3


There are many times in life when we have doubts in what we immerse ourselves in. Glitches as it were. But it is these things that let us see the human at the heart of the channel. YOU built this channel. I can go to Lovers Lab myself and download Sloot mods. I come here for YOU. YOU make the content, and yes YOU had a glitch, but YOU made the smart play after the glitch too. So ease up on yourself. Though I went to your channel and saw the equivalent of a FILE NOT FOUND, my Immersion remains unbroken, for I know you YOU are still immersed here too. Good luck. We’re not going anywhere.


Henry, Jeanie. My name is Anders, i am a 52 yo Aussie bloke; I tell you this because i want you both to have an idea of the demographic you attract. I love Skyrim and Fallout4, i am totally addicted to them. At the risk of boring you i have a mobility issue that keeps me at home most of the time so gaming is a big part of my life that keeps me sane. Your mod reviews and your MxR plays channel are a shining light in my life, you are both without doubt my favorite youtubers and i would devastated if you were gone. I am proud to support you via patreon. I wish i could do more. Best Wishes, Anders (VioLindsey).


Sorry to hear about your Youtube troubles but hopefully your Patreon will help out.


We love you Henry!!...oh and Jennie to or what ever. jk


I said this on the Youtube video, but just in case you didn't see it. I'm a new $10 subscriber and I would love to see some Let's Play, some Q&A, and some COOKING!!!!! I LOVE your cooking videos! I'm sure there are other RPG games out there with interesting foods just WAITING for you two Master Chiefs to cook it.


9,000 Patreonsons! Yaaaay!


Henry, dude, everyone fucks up sometimes. That's why it's good to have another set of eyes looks things over. If you really want to have links, create a blog post with the links, and just link to the blog post in the video description.


Hey Henry, everyone fucks up sometimes. Don't be too harsh on yourself! It doesn't make it better. You're still the most entertaining Skyrim mod reviewer with a bad ass voice, nice looks, great video editing skills and an incredible Jeannie. Writing down the mod names should be enough. People can always google them, if they care. Thanks for giving me the feeling of not being the only guy enjoying Skyrim and chicks and also showing that cool guys play this sh#t. That means a lot to me and make me feel less like a turd... I mean nerd.


I'll just copy/paste what I put on YouTube: Congrats on your cohabitation! And don't sell yourselves short. We're here because we like your content. YOU made that content. You don't owe us anything. I'm a Patron because I want to enable you to spend more time on that content. You're good at it. I didn't do anything but watch you be good at it. Love you guys.


That really sucks to hear about your YouTube page. My business is almost 13 years old and I don’t know what I’d do if 10 years of hard work was suddenly wiped away. I’m down for a $10 tier, I have no suggestions but I trust the content will be good.

Andrew Brown

Okay even if you don't go on PornHub, DO get a Discord server, the youtube comments are absolutely right about that bit

Andrew Brown

Many people do, it just depends on how many people contribute. Oh, and also not having a your video platform channel completely recycled.

Robert Xavier

Don't beat yourself up over this man, we all goof up sometimes. When you can release videos on youtube again I'd say avoid putting links in the description in general, just to be safe. If we really want to see the slo... mods in our games we can look it up with the name you show at the bottom of the screen. It's not too much extra work for us, and youtube can't use that as a reason to yell at you.


Youtube is bullshit, I've enjoyed your videos for years but after watching this video I finally decided to become a patron. Its only a couple of bucks but I hope it helps. Thanks for all the laughs you two.


I'd pledge higher if you'd drop those G2A scumbags.


Youtune has been messing alot of people over. I have loved your videos from the begining and I'm so glad I could become a patron. I would love to see maybe more cooking videos. I know they came out with a skyrim cookbook. Love your videos please never give up!

Classical Salamander

You love Jeannie, we love your videos, and so long as both are true you've got my dollar a month!


Don't worry man you help me mod my Skyrim and for that i got your back. How about you guys do more Lets plays from other games, maybe Fallout 3. get Jeanie to play Dead Space =) also how about you guys do some anime reaction.

Ray Overton

Everyone please vote AGAINST all this censorship!! I am sooo sick of this as it's becoming a normal occurrence. Check out "Prager U" as they are fighting this, actually today they are in court for US.

Ray Overton

And Henry...don't beat yourself up too bad. (Let Jeannie do it)

Nitsua MorningStr

Hey man best of luck with all that bullshit. Don't be hard on yourself and just take the time to relax and don't stress. Also glad to hear Jeannie is going full time, you guys have such a great dynamic and chemistry that i bet it will bring in even more followers. Peace out


Jo Henry, we are all on your Site. The MxR-Family won't let you down.


You stupid f***** idiot! (jk) love you guys <3


Good sir, can we get that master mod list on here?


I'm with Elvis here (natch): We could sure use the Master List of Immersion for... uh... reasons. Reasons that involve Immersion. And sloots. (Mostly sloots.) And Immersion. ._. But seriously, you two rock! MXR, your channel has been THE source for Skyrim/Fallout mods for me since you started out. Love your stuff, think you and Jeannie are double-nifty together, and keep on bringing the good uh-mersive stuff each and every post! :D Cheers!


I became a patron because of this video - keep up the good work you two!


Wow I can't believe you had to delete your youtube ones. That is so lame! It's just a video game with naked chicks and guys, people who censor it needs to get tf over themselves, sometimes I go back just to see if there's a mod I missed or something.


Is there another place you'll have your old videos, or are they gone for good? O:


I guess as long as you give us the name of the mod and tell us if it's on the Nexus or LL that will be just fine instead of links.

Jake Lizarraga

Pretty sure he'll make them public again after YouTube calms down. Two weeks if I recall correctly.

Johan T Lindgren

Hope he will upload his videos to BitChute as well as there seem to be more and more people who are tired of YouTube gathering. Also I like their interface better :)


You two create amazing videos and I love to come home to see one of your videos was uploaded. Keep up the fantastic work, remember that we fully support your great work. Jeannie, next time Henry humps you just hump him back to show him who is boss.


I made a patreon account just to see why you disappeared. Well, here's to hoping.


You're doing good, diversify man! Make sure if one link in the chain goes down or taken away it doesn't destroy everything you've built.


Same goes for me. MxR , I learned what Fallout 4 is good for from your videos. No regrets.


I joined Patreon just to keep watching your slooty videos.

Thomas J Tahnoose

I've been watching your videos now for about 4 or 5 years now, I've loved all the work you (and Jeannie) put into them and I loved the witty comments you make during them. I joined Patreon for you and would hate to see all of that hard work go away over something like this. Keep up the good work and be careful. I look forward to more videos, and yes, especially the slooty. Praise Alexstrasza for all the work she does as well, even if she just stands there and looks hot.


saw all your videos were gone and joined patreon immediately love you and Jeanie.

DJ Klassick

I just joined patreon to show my support. In all honesty, I originally subscribed to MxR mods when I learned about sloot mods and I stayed cuz he's funny as hell. I have a Youtube playlist of funny videos and his Welcome to Goodneighbor and Howitzer reviews for Fallout were on there. Dude is hilarious.

Jake Lizarraga

Welcome to the family! Most of my created playlists start with MxR too, haha.


Is he not going to release the video he had recorded? I thought he said he was going to for his patreon viewers.

Jake Lizarraga

If I recall correctly, YouTube puts a restriction whenever a "violation" is detected preventing him from posting for seven days (or maybe 14, not sure) so he'll probably post it after that's lifted.


if it wasnt for MxR i wouldnt be a streamer and i wouldnt be as slootified.


So what sort of video is the t10 same as normal or what?


Yeah, the description doesn’t really give an actual description of whats in the $10 reward, can anyone help? I thought that the $5 people would get the videos early too

Sean Williamson

Mxr man ive been watching you for like 6 years. You have made so many days better in my life, the least we as a community can do for you is be patient and yell at you at home. Oh yeah i forgot to tell you, i wouldnt trust any of those panda stuffed animals. I sent them a knife. One lucky panda will be reborn into the Prancing Pants Pickle Poker Panda!


it did,about a month ago it was exactly that,now i dont have access to those either.

Joshua Lalonde

Henry You’re anything but a stupid fucking idiot. You’re an incredibly enthusiastic man with an incredibly supportive girlfriend and a fan base that nigh on worships you as a god! Sure you’ve made mistakes, you are human after all, but never let those mistakes get to you. If they start to get to you then you begin to think that way and all it will do is tear you down and mess you up mentally. I’m just starting to realize that in my own life and I hope that Youtube doesn’t keep fucking with your videos... Love the both of you, keep being the best creators on the platform!!! 😄❤️❤️❤️


I can never forget the Argonian you made, Swims deep... In pussy.


Fuck YouTube


I'm $5 tier because I'm extremely broke, but I wanted to help support you because YouTube is ass.


Same Zscheigwai


Yo MXR I highly suggest you check out the mod "VIGILANT" and the English voice acting. Hands down the best mod ever.


Hey MXR, are you ever gonna start doing game reviews or mod reviews of mods from non-bethesda games? We'd watch that, just so you know:)


The shit with YouTube makes me mad... just it sucks man.. I hope you guys are ok and that it my one dollar will help.. sorry it's not more

James Wilson

Stay the course, in life you’ll hit a few rough patches. It’s how you deal with them that shows your true character. And I’ve seen nothing but good things from you and Jeannie. I love the way you two support and care for one another, you have each other’s backs! That’s IMMERSIVE!!!


I finally joined your patreon today. Super sad i can’t watch your old videos and stuff but it’s okay bud you and Jeannie are the best upload more stuff I’m tryna see uncensored stuff


this is old and time has passed but YT is the stupid fucking idiot not you guys.


Hey Henry, I just saw your only fans YT video *cringe* and saw that you never put me on the Hall of immersion. I was a Connoisseur of Immersion and really enjoyed your content but I've run into a financial bind and had to suspend my subscription. Do I still qualify for the Hall of Immersion? Please get back to me when you have a chance. Thank you for your time. P.s. You should sell the butt pads for at least 50, cuz they're worth at least a hundred each, but who's going to pay for that. 😅