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LINK: https://customer-u1hok16au7q8ozt4.cloudflarestream.com/1894761cafa347f75ad644f0db96c0ee/watch

 Here's a little filler episode that'll give us time for more of our main meat and potatoes content!

This was super fun and easy to make!




Freaking love you guys


YES... MORE OF THIS!!!!!!! And yes... I would like to see some more of your "meat and potatoes"

Master 0f Mayhem24

Can’t wait to see more content uploaded Patreon


Taco bell near where I live goes crazy. Everything is stuffed not all thin like yours

Blacksan Reynolds

Would love to see some local food like Dicks Fast food vs In-n-Out vs Shake Shack

Juan Shanks

one bite everyone knows the rules


I give this video a 10 out of 10.

adrian houston

Shame on Taco Bell making the Mexican Pizza the most expensive thing on the menu. I remember when that thing was $ 3.50


I like how in the thumbnail the only person looking at the camera is Kai. She knows how do her job. 10/10. No notes. Also, I get Taco Bell so infrequently that I honestly don't think I could pinpoint a favorite thing from there. Maybe just the regular chicken soft taco. Couple of those never steered me wrong.

Johnny Dough

I've only been to Taco Bell twice. The first time, I had no idea what everything was, so I walked out without ordering anything. The second time I went, they had pictures of everything, so I ordered something that came in a soft Taco shell, and I took one bite, got up, and threw it in the trash can. I will never again eat Mexican food because it all sucks. I'm an Italian/ American, and I eat foods from both of those cultures. Has anyone tried baked Ziti or baked Rigatoni? Nothing can compare to those foods....except maybe steak and mashed potatoes.


Filipino food? Might be hard to find in Seattle but I have hope...


Just finished watching your latest YouTube video explaining everything that’s been happening to you all recently. If they are going to treat you that way then forget them, Can’t wait to continue to watch your content here on Patreon! Wishing you all all the best!


If you think taco bell is real Mexican food then my friend you is missing out. Street tacos hits everytime.

tyrone carboon

Should all do a review on Australian snacks. Tim Tam's, shape's, vegemite ( must put on toast with butter/margarine, don't eat by its self) Violet Crumble, Milo, Twisties, Golden Gaytime, Caramello Koala, Fredo frog and Cherry Ripe chocolate bar


Should've known that the Snacko Queen would sneak some extra bites

Andrew Quick

As a former employee of taco bell and a lover the Cinnabon are the best the fries fresh and dipped in cheese I personally like but I never get anything the normal way I add stuff onto it and the quesadilla is also my favorite.( Also I HATE the beans and the Mexican pizza) Love you guys and your content so much Imma be here til infinity.

Paul Wayne

Everytime I eat Taco I feel sick after, yet maybe two years later or more, I'll go back hoping something will change, am I insane.


Never had taco bell, if I was in America I feel like id probably eat a lot of it


Hit the nail on the head, Taco Bell is just the same 8 ingredients rearranged in different tortilla vessels

Steve A

I’ve never tried the breakfast menu at Taco Bell.

Spooky Dooky

Great, make me hungry why don't you...

Spooky Dooky

Fack... Im getting some after this video


I already love you guys and taco bell is my favorite restaurant and this is a amazing turn of events.

jim degase

Just wanna say you guys are awesome. Censorship sucks! This is America! Utube is wrong for what there doing.

James Guerrero

I prefer Del taco, its far better.


I go to Taco Bell too much. The nacho fries needed to be dipped in the nacho cheese. That's what makes them good. The fries themselves, yeah, no bueno. And cold on top of that? Hard pass. I love the Mexican Pizza. The crunchwrap is one if my go-tos, and it's supposed to have shell inside to give the crunch. The problem though is it gets soggy fast.


Love you guys!


I have got to say, the comment section is surprisingly tasteful this time around. Lots of love. There are no comments about Henry and Kai wrapping their lips around the big, steaming, juicy... dripping... wait, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, lots of love. It ticks me off about the YouTube shenanigans, but the good times will keep rolling here.

Michael Rodriguez

I feel taco bell did you wrong. When I get the cheesy gordita crunch it's full but yours barely had anything

Stephen McKee

I used to get taco bell often and I didn't ever have any problem with it, but I stopped for like 2 years and tried it again a week ago and it did my stomach dirty.


Don't think I've ever been to a Taco Bell. At least there's no one anywhere near where I live. But I do like tacos. Something else I really like is these types of videos where we kinda just get to hang out with you guys doing (relatively) normal things. Keep up the good work!

Peter Schmalfeldt

I hope you stocked up on toilet paper.


YouTube would probably give them another strike for this content.

James Fernandez

Don’t you think that’s horribly messed up too hate an entire cultures food just because you had 1 bad experience at a cheap fast food restaurant like for comparison I wouldn’t hate on all Italian food just because I had a bad experience at Olive Garden of course there’s going to be better versions besides it just probably the one guy who messed it up for you

Roy Petargue

Ngl the cantina chicken quesadilla is actually 10/10


I have a shift at Taco Bell today


I think Henry is one of us by the way he likes the bean taco. lol


i hope all that is from the $1 menu because jezz that all looked sad

Andrew Armijo

dude i get a crunch wrap supreme with no tomato or lettuce extra meat thats perfect for me lol

Justin Larsen

you guys are my favorite patreon !!! the others ive been signed up to ive always felt like i wasnt getting any content but you guys provide <3

Gbus Jones

The cinnamon twists are pasta thrown into hot oil, then rolled in cinnamon and sugar

Matthew Mosley

Okay. I'm here. YouTube's B.S got me to sign up. A year in advance. So me what you got.

Kevin Jay Veon

The fries have to be dipped in the nacho cheese to make them great. They aren't like McDonalds fries that are crunchy and salty. Plus, my favorite item was the Southwest Chicken wraps that use to be on the dollar menu.


I love the beefy 5 layer burritos, those and the quesaritos were my go to.

Hamish Fox

We recently got taco bell in New Zealand and it is some of the nastiest shit I have ever eaten. Disgusting watery beef, bitter cheese, horrible bland lettuce, and all massively over priced. I hope it's better in America because it is inedible here.

Dan Williams

They do frequently add water to keep the beef from drying out, it's probable they over did it.

Austin Takemoto

Last time I tried to do something like that it turned into a potion of shitting my whole ass

Norbert Jepson

A good local mexican food option would be Taco Del Mar. 100,000 times better than the cheap laxative that is Taco Bel.

Norbert Jepson

"Golden Gaytime"?? That doesnt sound like a snack, it sounds like 2 dudes peeing on each other

tyrone carboon

It's a ice cream 🍦. Knew someone would say something like that https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Gaytime

GreatStone Gaming

I work in a taco bell in California, if you ever came to mine I would hook you up with a properly made version. Workers tend to make it really fast and skimp on stuff but unfortunately you do have to eat it fast or it does fall apart

Alex Roberts

I don't even have taco bell in my country but i'll say the cinnabon was the best.

Mckinsey Young

Not sure which is more adorable and amusing. Ein whining be allowed to have food or Kai whining to be allowed to have more food

David Mazock

In the thumbnail, Jeanie is looking like she is having a spicy tacobell shit, Henry is looking like he is having a sloppy tacobell shit, and Kai is looking like she is having a satisfying tacobell shit.


They started selling Taco bell in my country. And basically the only way they can make a profit is by staying open until 1 am, basically nobody goes there sober.


Yeah, making Tacos at home takes like 10 minutes, is cheaper, and gives you a better result. At least in Finland Tacobell just tastes like whatever you threw into the composer yesterday soaked in oil.


Just typical shrinkflation. Quality and portions go down while prices go up.


Damn i love chicken

Robert Nixon

in todays news: taco bell's sales went up 2000 percent

Richard Holland

where's the chilly chees Burrito that's my favorite one well then again I dont ever try anything else and I'm on the east coast of Canada so probably different menu.


I'm a newbie here. I love you guys. I look forward to more reaction videos <3

innocent klubi

fuck youtube take more of my money

Brian Davis

I hope you guys have 3 bathrooms in your house, one for each of you. Don't give any to Ein, you'll need new carpets.

Brian Davis

Yes we all think Kai is amazing and I really think she runs that house and they are her servants.


Based on them biting exactly where the last person bit, makes me lean ever so closer to the conclusion that they're a throuple and haven't told us yet.


YouTube would have flagged this for nudity. 👀


You really needed me to order your stuff properly. Some items need the extra beef to actually be good. For instance the Mexican pizza. Also try adding some pico to the quesadillas, it takes them to the next level. Bonus points on this video for Kai's cup.

Iriemike Curley

I agree with Henry bean burrito with onions is da best

nolan campbell

Why not just upload your Youtube videos uncensored on here every day rather then just putting together a weeks worth of uncensored clips?


The thumbnail is mfw I made a grave error in judgement xD


It looks like someone sat on that order

Areg Ghazaryan

keep your heads up, we gotchu fam

Loowkey Can

You guys make me laugh. I can't bear the thought of you going away


Why is every item from Taco Bell so flat?

Owen Wadleigh

Everything from Taco Bell looks like a used baby diaper to me.


Enjoyable video, but OMG that fastfood looks just very sad...

Murray Gros

I do love Taco Bell, but you have to eat it fresh, everything goes soggy way too quickly. I'm sad about the Gordita Crunch's rating because that's my 10/10 option, but that particular one did look sad.


5:12 thats not just any burrito. thats the best burrito on the menu. Grilled cheese burrito. eating it fresh is perfect because it has those crunchy slightly spicy chips inside. thats my 10/10. Taco bell is lacking in the sweets department but the cinnabon bites are a great addition just wish they weren't so expensive for the amount you get.

Xavier Vasquez

God bless your bowels I pray that you guys have more than 2 bathrooms with outlets because you guys are going to be camping out in the bathroom with regret about eating Taco Bell. P.S the only thing good at Taco Bell is the potato taco

Dee Watts

Taco Hell same shit different combinations as a friend of mine said. Loving. The content. Keep it coming

Klive Winston

Mexico has only one dish, change my mind.


Explosive diarrhea coming in 3...2...

Grave Fangs

I love Taco Hell best fast food hands down to me. 1 beef Quesarrito 2 Chicken Quesadilla 3 Stacker Honorable Mention Grilled cheese borrito


Sweat new video:)


Taco Who? While it is a thing in the UK. It would be like number 20 on the places we order food from. It also looks far worse than we get here and probably has 100s of chemicals we don't use here.


I like that Henry gives first bite to his 2nd wife and then Jeannie

Owen Tate

Nacho fries have several of their own cinema quality advertisements because of how delicious they are, and you didn't eat it fresh or even dip it into the cheese sauce. I'm so disappointed you guys😔.

Brendan Moffatt

i like these guys and i wanna support. i dont like this content

Grant Hill

Uuuhhhh how the hell did you get a chili cheese burrito?!?! In the 90s those were the bomb.


i have never eaten from taco bell in my life and i will continue to never do so

Andrew Leeper

I upgraded my Patreon after YouTube fucked ya, keep making content it keeps me entertained I work as a hotel night shift.

David Mazock

You know what would be pretty cool? If MXR did a collab with Donut Operator.

Ryan Harlow

I also got you on patreon becuase of you guys getting screwed on YouTube I have been a fan since Mxr vlogs and dude you don't deserve that you guys bring me a lot of laughs and fun content so I only really have you guys on patreon but it's 100% worth it


LOL @ Jeanie, takes bite, throws food.


If you're going to get them on the Tim Tams you have to tell them about the Tim Tam Slam. Bite off a tiny piece of the opposite corners, dip it in a hot coffee and give it one good suck then put it in your mouth before it collapses under the weight of its own deliciousness. Also, Vegemite is not Nutella, thinly scrape it on buttered toast. You can also stir it in buttered pasta and sprinkle it with cheese and use a teaspoon in your bolognese or chille con carne or beef stew, pretty much any rich soup, stew or sauce.

tyrone carboon

Definitely. Hope they see this. Would be a great video. Plus they could do it for other countries where there fans are from

Logan Fulks

You guys didn't eat the nacho fries right. you need to dip them in the cheese sauce


Not my favourite video but still nice to see you guys make content for us. Now maybe try another cooking video. If you do it as a collab with Susu even better. I remember some old vlog stuff where Henry as some pretty mean cooking skills.

Alfredo Garcia

Taco Bell is not Mexican food. There is no breading in flour tortillas. lol

William Thornton

The crunchy problem is simple, it is FAST FOOD, get it fast eat it fast, not really a leftover product.

Deb adwolf

I hope you have 3 toilets.


You need to dip the Nacho Fries in the Nacho Cheese. They aren't meant to be eaten without it o_o


i concur... the sauce compliments the fries... and without it.... i cannot consider the judgement of henry and jeannie to be complete

Logan Fulks

They probably have far more people on YouTube, which might provide better income, but idk.


Only a few places in Brazil have Taco Bell and I guess that's a good thing now... lol


Ok, so you forgot the most bestest items. #1 Steak Grilled Cheese Burrito and#2 Chicken Supreme Chalupa. Beef is trash and if you don't put Diablo sauce all over, everything is trash. Also you forgot classic Crunchy Taco. Ill eat all 12 in the party box. But must have the Diablo sauce or at min Hot sauce in every bite.

nolan campbell

Their youtube channel is no longer monetized. That is why I am suggesting focusing on us paying patreon members first.

James Smiley

Now I remember why I haven't eaten at Taco Bell in over 20 years.

Terry Thacker

One bite, everyone knows the rules

Caleb Cross

This is killing meeee.lol. I love taco bell so much. Probably my favorite fast food. I wanna redo this with all 3 of you while we can eat it fresh at a location that is doing it right!!! The Mexican pizza amd champagne supreme is my go to order. I love the crispy edge vs the meaty saucy tomato center. It's so gooood. Amd the chalupas texture with the fried pita bread stuff is so soft and flavorful. To be perfectly fair, they only have like 3 menu items and then repackage it to a full menu. Lollll

Caleb Cross

Love you all. Also, Kai 💜.

Agent CAW

I love try Taco Bell's limited time items to see if they're any good. Like the taco bell near my apartment building had chicken nuggets for a limited time. They were actually really good, I hope they bring them back again someday.

The Lonely Lakota AKA Fang

I agree with Jeanie, taco bell isn't good. Also I can show you how to make just about every item tacobell has. Like the churros are made out of the twisted noodles. Just deap Fri them for 1 minute then shake them in a bag of sugar and cinnamon.

David Britton

Weird, my experience with the few things at Taco Bell I liked are the opposite. It's not bad. If anything, it's an acquired taste.

David Britton

LOL. People really over-exaggerate the power of Taco Bell on your body. IT's an aquired taste, and the more you eat it, the less harash it is.

David Britton

I'm fairly certain the chemicals it has is the same in England as here in America. Due to the simple nature of fast food.

David Britton

They don't really need to super spam content here on Patreon. It's just not a great idea.

David Britton

Weird. Not sure why or how they messed up Taco Bell in New Zealand. Good grief.

David Britton

Don't lie about cinnamon twists please. LOL. They taste too good to be made of pasta. Literally impossible.

David Britton

THat's not how Taco Bell works. LOL. It's an acquired taste. The more you eat, the less it bothers your stomach. IT's all about the spiciness.

David Britton

Weird flex to hate on Taco bell because you ate from like the worst quality Taco Bell ever in the world. LOL wut.

Roxy Balboa

I love the Mexican pizza D:

Gbus Jones

Taco bell was my first real job. Used to make cinnamon twists by the garbage can full (it was clean and specifically for the cinnamon twists) but yeah, it's rotini

Darius Maybee

Kai be looking pretty tasty herself lol

BK Photographer

I was noticing the same thing. Also the first drink, straw went from Henry's mouth right to Kai's, then Jeannies'.

Anthony Falk

and now, I think I have to order taco bell . . . for Science!


My arteries! They harden just watching this XD I have to ask, was that a hella large Iced Long Black?


god, of COURSE you're Italian, being that much of a food snob. Some of the most insufferable people on the planet, especially considering like half of your cuisine is the same 3 or 4 ingredients just shaped differently, lmao. Joke's on you, Mexican food is some of the best there is, you just decided to go with the bottom of the barrel imitation and made one of the dumbest decisions based off of that, gg.

Johnny Dough

I've made the comment that I don't like Mexican food, and I've had a number of negative responses to that comment. Okay, let me explain....sure, I've had Taco Bell, and I hated the food. There are no other Mexican restaurants in my small town, so I have nothing to compare Taco Bell's food to. But having said that, just looking at the Mexican menus of other restaurants in a neighboring town, they offer nothing that I would be interested in eating....refried beans?...tacos?....enchiladas...? No thanks, I'll stick to meat and potatoes or Italian foods. I don't like overly seasoned hot foods or any type of beans or rice. Those of you who like hot, seasoned food, well, good for you, but I will never eat that garbage food, because my stomach can't handle it. Don't condemn me for not liking that type of food, mainly because I can not eat it. I am an old man (71 years old), and I won't eat any food that upsets my stomach. I have enough health issues, without eating Mexican food that will give me more health issues. If you like Mexican food, then you eat it, but don't condemn me for hating it because of my health issues, okay?

Kel del

Definitely do more of these with different places! I'm realizing that I just love hearing you guys talk/discuss stuff and food is awesome so please do more. But uh...try not to get fat lmao


Good for you. I also don't like spicy foods. However, if you can't people to have personal preferences with out trying to make people feel bad about it, then go to hell.


Just because it does not agree with you doesn't make it "garbage food". If I didn't lime Italian food because it upsets my stomach, I wouldn't call it garbage food. To be clear, I'm not a fan of Taco Bell either. I do enjoy genuine Mexican cuisine though.


You don't post enough. So you don't earn enough. I love watching you guys, but you're taking the piss.

Jon Boff

I like how Jeannie's happiness meter fills with each food item.


we need more strip content!

Camiel.Melville .RandomCA

really intresting video tho. As a non-american who's never seen nor tried taco bell, I loved seeing what kind of stuff they sell and your thoughts on them. <3


Watching this video... gives me the sneaky suspicion that they are a "trouple"... They all eat off of each other's bites... that is a very intimate act... Especially Kai took MOST of her bites, DIRECTLY on top of Henry's... and Henry's REALLY gets his lips all over his bites...


I am thinking since I heard that Kai is living with them and when I saw them doing so much coupley or rather throupley things


I appreciate that they have patreon so they can really let loose and not have to worry about what they post.

Nathaniel Kitt

Nah, I'm sorry, but the one bite rule triggers me. I hate food going to waste. Shit, let me in and I'd finish the rest my damn self. I never take risks with "trying stuff out" unless I feel I will like it.

Nathaniel Kitt

I always get chalupas and cruchwraps. Cantina bowls, now powerbowls, were dope as well.

Jamie DeCoteau

I had this weird feeling that the editing is very different from y'all's YouTube channel then Henry and Kai ate that burrito and I realized I didn't let them cook. Fun video guys keep them coming

Justin BaeBae

So many indirect kisses, teehee


The look of everything makes me so sad... But yea I'd eat it all probably! Looks doesn't always determine taste!

Joey Contreras

Quiero creer que ya muchos saben eso, más o menos (el taco mexicano como asada, barbacoa, carnitas, lengua, etc., se ha ido popularizando cada vez más). Pienso que Taco Bell es un vestigio de la dieta americana que todavía se consume porque gusta y ya.


Jeannie at the end looked like she was about to cause a war crime to a toilet. But she carried on to the end like the elegant panda queen we know and love. Alongside Lord of Immersion and High Mage of Time they braved the artificial plains of the Taco Bell.


Just watching this video gave me the shits!!


I feel like the tacobell they bought from is both far and shitty. Unfortunate for the 3 of them.

Pioquinto Pappas

Do u think taco Bell is real mexican food then u don't know real mexican food taco Bell is made by white people I know because I'm mexican half mexican/ white but my white side like taco bell

Ollie Callow


Will I-am

I know that Taco Bell is cheap and low quality. But I still think it's dope.. I think the biggest mistake of this video was driving all the way home before eating. TB drops in tastiness fast once it gets soggy. And that doesn't take long. This is a video meant to be made in the parking lot.

Will I-am

Taco Bell would be terrible for a dog to eat. Their digestive systems wouldn't be able to handle the spices. Please, no one feed your dogs Taco Bell. You'll make them sick.

Will I-am

To be fair, lots of Mexican food can be spice heavy. And I'm not condemning you for not liking it. But your idea of what Mexican food is, is clearly very limited. I would suggest trying something that isn't refried beans, tacos or enchiladas. There's plenty of good options out there. Calling it garbage food is pretty harsh before you've really given it much of a chance beyond Taco Bell. Which really isn't Mexican food in the first place.

Tony B

I get the feeling because your order was so big they screwed you guys over with the fillings out of revenge and laziness.

Bionic Crouton

I am saddened by the display of Taco Bell food. The restaurant I frequent is my favorite and has never served me food that looks like what I've seen in the video. Great video, please do other fast food menu rankings.


Seeing Kai eating after Henry and then Jeannie makes me wonder... But in all seriousness, They all... four makes a... couple. Four you say!? Yes, Adding to the equation the one and only... Susu... ;-) Lol, The content they all 4 together make is awesome. So, I will want to watch more of them four. Even if I like Henry and Jeannie so much for such a long time ago.


Love to see this kind of content! 👍🍻


That evening and next day was a party (in their pants)


Just pls tell me that no food was thrown away!?! Btw that made hungry 🤤 but not for TacoBell but for my mom’s Chili Concarne*

Adrien Ray Baillargeon

The only thing worth getting is the Cinnabon doughnut thing, and the Cinnabon coffee. The rest is only good if you’re a college student trying to get some grub after an all-nighter and you are too poor to afford anything not on the value menu.