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LINK: https://customer-u1hok16au7q8ozt4.cloudflarestream.com/6755aee64442a9e2992fa4aacf858ed4/watch

Wanted to give you all the heads up immediately with what's going on with MxR Plays and what you can expect moving forward.



Joshua Skelton

Also, 300th comment! I know it's cheating, but fuck it! THIS IS SPARTA!!🦵🏽


Maybe an idea but what about posting a delay repost of the youtube content on Rumble (one week or more). Youtube does give the best ad rates but that normally peters out after that first influx of viewers, so if you still prioritise Youtube get that initial return on your video then do repost it over on Rumble that will start to grow your audience there as well as get you another chance at getting some ad returns on the video that you've already done (just don't mention Rumble on youtube as that will throttle your video) essentially giving you the chance to double dip. The audiences of both sites do have some overlap but there is definitely rumble only viewers and youtube only viewers that you can try and get more adsense out of.


I'm one of the people who on and off support you here on patreon when youtube gets rough and is a little disappointed with the amount of content here. I feel like you should actually go reacts and "spicy" here on patreon and high effort quality on youtube, people love your vlogs too!


ok, ok, I resubscribed.


YouTube is the most cancerous social media platform!! I fucking hate them. Only reason I use it over Twitch is because I hate twitch chat. Too many trolls there.


I rate facebook under YouTube, but not by much.


We are always here and there bruh. Hope it helps. Cheers and be well!

Haku Shiro

Why does this honestly look like you are personally targeted by yt? I joined here after the "theres no easy way to tell you guys" video on yt what the hell. This is obviously blatant abuse of AI recognician software set to "bullshit". Fuck them im here now. Also I would like to buy some snackos for the floofball <3 how?


I'm mainly here to support you without YouTube as a middleman. Their business tactics have grown to be just plain stupid (sadly one big reason for AD-Blockers). It even takes me quite some time to catch up because I forget to check after I get the notifications. Getting the weird and funny stuff here is just a bonus for me, although a welcome one.

Eddart Jarrow Kashveel

Censorship is only justified when someone calls for things like murder, sexual assault, vandalism, other forms of unjustified violence. Outside of that, censorship is the very essence of anti-social activity and disorder. It doesn't matter on whether it is from the right or left. It is simply wrong. When YouTube demonetizes MxR plays, it benefits YouTube but hurts the very reason people tune in to the channel. I now come to Patreon and YouTube loses a small amount ad revenue. Oh well!