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Hello there everyone,
Today I am happy to announce the release of “Skie’s Inflatable Adventures” in its 0.10 Version as a public release. This version will explain to you the core mechanics of the game and give you a short preview of the story.

You can download it here: Google Drive

If you are experiencing a problem with the installer and your “AntiVirus”- or “Protection”- Software. Please don’t worry. Your program is just protecting your system because it doesn't recognize this file. Download the ZiP-File and run “Game.exe” from the folder you have extracted it in.

0.10 is currently the last Public-Release of the game I am planning. Newer Version, with bug fixes and more content, can be found on my discord server from now on. You can get access to it by supporting my work on here on patreon..

I really hope you will like the game and stay healthy everyone!




When I download it it says webgl unsupported in this browser use pixi.js-legacy for fallback canvas 2d any fix?