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Today I am happy to announce a new Test-Version of the Game "Skie's Inflatable adventures. This version is for Supporters-Exclusive and only available as a download on my Discord-Server. I need the feedback that's why I have made joining it a condition to get it. But you can also send me Message here and I will send you a Download-Link.

#---Official Version 0.03a Patch Notes-------------------------------------------------

#--New Area-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  • - Location "Workshop" added
  • - New Guest-OC added "Karan"
  • - Including new Sidequest.

#--New Functions------------------------------------------------------------------------

  • - Visustella "Crafting"-System Plugin with Tutorial added.
  • - You can now use a crafting table in the Workshop to craft complicated Items.
  • - The Crafting Table has a cooldown timer. This means you have to wait until you can use it again.
  • - Easier Items can be crafted by yourself from the Main-Menu with no cooldown.
  • - Crafting requires resources and Money.
  • - Basic-Stamina-Debuff (Tiredness) added.
  • - It should last for about 48 Hours in game. You can expand this time by eating "Cookies" from your Inventory or just go by sleeping.
  • - Future Updates will add "Actions" that raise the "Tiredness" faster.
  • - Respawn-System added.
  • - When you "Burst" or "Fall asleep" you will now respawn back in your bed.
  • - It will be 9 o'clock in the morning and you will start completely deflated.
  • - Visustella "Cutin"-PlugIn for more dynamic Story-Sequences added.
  • - Visustella "TextEffects"-PlugIn for more dynamic dialogs added.
  • - New hidden "Spherical-Inflation"-Story-Sequence added!

#--Graphic Improvements--------------------------------------------------------------

  • - New Effects and Graphics added for completing and accepting quests.
  • - Visustella "Brightness"-Plugin added (Adds Blur and Glow (Fake-HDR), Disableable in options)
  • - Parallax-Lightning added to Houses.
  • - Parallax-Clouds added to Landscapes.
  • - Thunder-Lightning is added to interiors.
  • - Visustella "Menu Cursor"-Plugin added.
  • - Visustella "Map Destination"-Plugin added.
  • - While using the mouse for navigation you now have a better effect on the place where Skie is going.

#--System Improvements (Things you won't see or notice)----------------------------

  • - Expanded and optimized Dialog-System for adding future Guest- and Other OCs easier to a conversation.
  • - Expanded and optimized Lightning- and Weather-System for making it easier to add new content (Still in Testing).
  • - Reworked Particle-System for chimney-smoke for better performance and better look.
  • - Reworked "Godrays" during the afternoon for better performance and better look.
  • - Implemented a "File-Structure" for the "Pictures"-Folder.


  • - Fixed some typos in the tutorial.
  • - Fixed graphics while showing the Skill-Tutorial images.
  • - Added a Workaround for Quest-Tracking causing massive FPS-Drops.
  • - Galv-AutoEvent-Plugin added.
  • - Lights and Environment Particle-Effects (Smoke) are now enabled when loading a save game that starts at night.


  • - The Inflation-Sequence in the shower is disabled at the moment because it will get rewritten with new pictures in a future Update.
  • - New Background Sounds for the "Cave"-Area added.



Anybody found the hidden quest yet?


I cannot access the area to download this version


Very politely asked for the role since the Bot Borked

cory foraker

For those that want the link to the game you will find it in the discord link

Doomady Day

How does one access the discord, though? I can't seem to find a link.

cory foraker

Go to your setting and click more with the down arrow, than click connected apps edit: I almost forgot that you will NEED an account on Discord in order to link patreon to discord


Sorry for the delay of the reply: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Getting-Discord-access here you can find a instruction how to connect your Discord Acoount to Patreon to get access to ky server. I hope that will help. :)

Bigman strawman (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-05 05:20:21 I know this may be kind of silly on my part but i dont use discord how do i get the link for download without that?
2023-05-05 03:02:15 I know this may be kind of silly on my part but i dont use discord so could i get the download link for it without discord?

I know this may be kind of silly on my part but i dont use discord so could i get the download link for it without discord?