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Hi everyone,

First I like to thank everyone for the support I get here and I am very happy to announce that we have reached the first Milestone! Thank you all very much. :D Anyway I guess that means that I need to add one more Milestone in case the support will grow even more over time. I will add this one later.

The other thing I want to talk about is that I got a request a few days ago if it’s possible to pledge me with a higher amount of money. And I pointed out that the “Pledge-Packages” are just a “Thank you” for your support and that everyone can edit the amount they want to give. Anyway, that made me thinking again of adding a higher pledge for People who want to give more. I still got the Platin-Membership left and don’t really know what I should add to it. The current options go into this direction:

- Discount on Commissions

- Supporter Commission (Support me with 10$ for 5 Month (50$ in total) and get a free Commission

- Chance that your OC gets a guest Appearance in the ACS-Comics for Free

- Monthly Special (Discount, Guest-Appearance, Sketch-Stream and other)

These are just my first ideas and any more suggestions are welcome.

Anyway I just added the 10$ Pledge to the List for the people who want to support me with more. But please keep in mind that it have the same options like the 5$ one and there is no guarantee that I will add more to it in the near future since my Christmas Depressions are slowly kicking in. But I hope I can find a “Big Thanks” for my biggest supporters soon.

That’s it for today’s entry. Thanks everyone for the support and take care. :D


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