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Hi everyone,

I want to give you a small update about the small special area in the World Wide Web I am making for you. The forum is up and running smoothly while the gallery still needs some work with the graphics and content. The Inflation/Expansion Gallery already content over 100 pictures which I have made and I still haven’t uploaded all pictures I have in mind for it. I am quite sure when the Gallery is fully done with the inflation and normal Artworks there will be over 300 Pictures available. I will give out the correct numbers when everything is done.

Anyway…I made up my mind with the new pledges that will be available:

(Bronze Membership) 1$ Pledge

-You are supporting me as an Artist who is creating free art for everyone. Thank you very much!

-Higher priority as Non-Supporters for Commissions in case I am open for them.

Special Forum/Gallery (Needs registation on my Homepage):

-You can register and use my Forum/Gallery with all of my finished pictures.

-You can choose the Group of Pictures you like to see (Normal-, Expansion- or All-Artworks)

-You can vote on possible polls for community-pictures (Free Artworks with content decided by the community

-You gain Access to the “WIP”-Gallery, which contains sketches and different production phases (like Outlines, Flat…). Once a picture is done, its WIP-Pictures might be deleted after some time to make them more unique.

(Silver-Membership) 3$ Pledge:

-You are supporting me as an Artist who is creating free art for everyone. Thank you very much!

-Higher priority as 1$ or Non-Supporters for Commissions in case I am open for them.

Special Forum/Gallery (Needs registation on my Homepage):

-You can register and use my Forum/Gallery with all of my finished pictures

-You can choose the Group of Pictures you like to see (Normal-, Expansion- or All-Artworks)

-You can vote on possible polls for community-pictures (Free Artworks with content decided by the community)

-You gain Access to the “WIP”-Gallery, which contains sketches and different production phases (like Outlines, Flat…). Once a picture is done, its WIP-Pictures might be deleted after some time to make them more unique.

-You gain Access to the “Early Access”-Gallery, which contains Pictures before they got official released. Once a picture got released it will be moved to the regular gallery.

(Gold-Membership) 5$ Pledge:

-You are supporting me as an Artist who is creating free art for everyone. Thank you very much!

-Higher priority as 3$, 1$ or Non-Supporters for Commissions in case I am open for them.

Special Forum/Gallery (Needs registation on my Homepage):

-You can register and use my Forum/Gallery with all of my finished pictures

-You can choose the Group of Pictures you like to see (Normal-, Expansion- or All-Artworks)

-You can vote on possible polls for community-pictures (Free Artworks with content decided by the community

-You gain Access to the “WIP”-Gallery, which contains sketches and different production phases (like Outlines, Flat…). Once a picture is done, its WIP-Pictures might be deleted after some time to make them more unique.

-You gain Access to the “Early Access”-Gallery, which contains Pictures before they got official released. Once a picture got released it will be moved to the regular gallery.

-You gain Access to the “Special”-Gallery, which contains exclusive pictures like finished Character-Artworks without Backgrounds and possible other stuff that is nowhere else available.

Standard-Membership (only for registered ExSupporters)

-You can still use my Forum/Gallery with all of my finished pictures.

-You can still choose the Group of Pictures you like to see (Normal-, Expansion- or All-Artworks)

Overall you can say that now every pledge gives you more as the old ones.  I also canceled the idea with a free membership. I want my supporters to feel special and I guess that’s the best way. Aswell, when you cancel your pledge you will still have access to the normal gallery which contains the same artworks as DeviantArt or Tumblr. And you will keep your rights for using the forum except for the community polls.

In the moment I hope I can open the site for patreons next week with the new month. Everything is already working but I want make a good first impression to you and I want to get at least a little bit of content into the galleries.

That’s it for now. Everyone stay healty and take care.



Chkn Scratch

I'm a little confused but this post made me up my pledge to $5. If I understand correctly, when you are finished the site you will provide patrons with an account on your website where the exclusive content is available?

Chkn Scratch

Nevermind, I just created an account on your site and fully understand now.

Chkn Scratch

Now to wait for activation... *gleeful cackling*


I have just activated your account with the standard membership. Once your pledge has procceded you will be upgraded to gold with the special galleries. But honestly I guess in the wip and early acess galleries won't be much of content now, because i am working all day on the website the last few days. Put i am planning to add some stuff as fast as possible when I am back to drawing. Anyway, thank you very much for your support and interest in my work.. ;)