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Hi! New scene soon. It's fashion show with  3 models that you can replace with your favorite girls. And clothing. And of course, music ( I did it in five minutes for an example so that my ears explode )

All instructions for that will be with scene.


fashion show

Scene for Virt-a-Mate. More stuffs on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/molmark



Nice. So im having a problem. Still cant get cock as a character but i gave up on that. I made a few scenes to make story but when i trigger load scene. It merges the 2 scenes to getther and i get exsplosions. Double characters crazy stuf happens. I tried core control/ sceneloader/ loadscene. And i tried cc\ loader\ mergescene i get the same crazyness. Any advice


Try Extraltodeus Explosion limiter plugin (link in my previous posts). Also you can play with phisics settings in Vam.


Ok that's what that pluggins for drrr. How do i make it so my scenes dont merge and they just change scenes i raged deleted all my scenes last night. Hrs of building. Had some big scenes with allot of annimation pluggins. Went to tie them togetter. Dud test run change scenes turned into new scene plus old scrambled. I get out early tiday got a new play in mind