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As many of you (hopefully) know, Patreon introduced an RSS feed option for creators (like me) who provide audio to their patrons (like you). 

They weren't terribly clear on how to do this properly to make sure the audio being posted actually got served to the feed, which - long story short - means I've been doing it wrong.

I've re-posted the Patron-exclusive Bit Of A Chats (Neil Gaiman, John Cleese, Cecil Baldwin) so that they'll appear, and now I'll be re-posting the exclusive episodes of Whotininnies and other bonus panels (which is why the timeline will be a little wonky - I'll note that it's a re-post from a given date at the top of the entry).

Please let me know if these items are showing up in the RSS feed.

ALSO, there are more new Bit Of A Chats AND exclusives to come.

With that said, THANK YOU for your continued support.

Yer pal,



Glen Raphael

Hey Ken! There's good news and a teensy nitpick/suggestion. The good news is that these items ARE showing up in the RSS feed. The nitpick is that the names are inconvenient. As I view your two RSS feeds in Overcast, the regular feed has great simple titles like just "John Cleese" or "John Hodgman 10". But the patron-only feed has longer titles like "A Bit Of A Chat with John Cleese (FULL PATRON-ONLY FILE)" which in Overcast previews as "A Bit Of A Chat With John..." (can't tell if it's Cleese or Hodgman without clicking though) or worse "A Bit Of A Chat With Moll..." Might I suggest abbreviating or rearranging/tweaking the titles? For instance, if you were to put the name of the guest FIRST you could put any other random stuff in there without worrying about that part getting cut off. So: "John Cleese Bit Of A Chat" or "John Cleese BoaC" Also, the default icon for the patron feed just has your photo and says "Ken Plume" - maybe you want that icon badge to indicate "PATRON ONLY"?

Ken Plume

Good to know that's where the feed is pulling titles from. Will attempt to tweak it. Let me know if you spot a change...