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UPDATE: Just a quick update to the update to let you know that there are going to be a few nearly-30-year-old audio pieces from my archives - exclusive to Patrons - dropping soon, that should be of interest to Mystery Science Theater 3000 fans.


As I write this, it's Thanksgiving here in the United States, so I wanted to kick things off by saying how thankful I am for your interest in and support of the things I do, whether it be for podcasts, web shows, livestreams, interviews, or just general enthusiasm - It means a lot to me that you care.

It's been a really weird, hectic couple of months. The most important project, by a mile, has been the release of THE ART OF DUCKTALES. It was a notion right before the pandemic hit, encompassed nearly two years of work during it to be realized, and took another full year of the shifting sands of the publishing world to finally land in people's hands, but arrive it did... And I love that people seem to be loving it.  More of my thoughts on the book can be found HERE and HERE. I also still have some signed art print/bookplates available, if you'd like to get one before they're gone - More info on that HERE. I'll have more bonus content for the book releasing soon, which I'm very excited to share.

This year also saw the launch of my STAR WARS action figure collecting show, FORCE FIVE, which I hope you've enjoyed watching as much as I've enjoyed making it. The conversations with the guests have been a true joy, as we discuss much more than just STAR WARS toys. There are more episodes (and exciting guests) to come, and you can watch everything at my YouTube Channel. Please subscribe - And tell a friend!

Oh, and more Patron exclusives, including episodes of the SNYDECAST, have been added to your Patron exclusives page. I have a few deep archive surprises coming there, as well, available only to you.

As in past years, I’ve had a few Patrons (and friends) asking about an updated Amazon wishlist of needed equipment, as well as just fun holiday requests. (Which, beyond just being a Patron and how much I appreciate your support, thank you for thinking of me for things like this, as well.)

So here, then, is the wishlist link, which will allow you to view the list and place orders (if you are so inclined). Your assistance and support is *immensely* appreciated, and seriously - if you do happen to purchase anything for me, PLEASE let me know it was you, as I’d like to send a thank you. (And an awful drawing of your choice, if that’s your thing! 😉)


Many, many thanks, and here's to a happy and healthy holiday season for all...




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