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Quite a few folks have been asking, and I can finally give a definitive answer.

Sadly, despite both hoping and planning to, I will not be returning to DragonCon in Atlanta this year. I'm still at a level of concern and caution when it comes to travel, and with everything going on right now, I felt it wasn't a risk worth taking  - Which is a *huge* disappointment. I was looking forward to seeing friends and doing panels and shows in front of an audience again, but... (sigh). I am genuinely hopeful that next year will provide my safe and happy return to a convention I love dearly, audiences I love doing shows and panels for, and friends I love seeing.

However, for fans of the content I do at conventions with said friends, stay tuned for some announcements that don't require any of us to travel in order to partake. We're going to make some lemonade, folks.

