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Hey there! I appreciate everyone who's reached out privately to check in on me to see if everything's okay.

Let me reassure you that EVERYTHING IS SWELL-ish.

It seems quite a few different projects had been meeting behind my back in order to coordinate a devious plot to swamp me this past month, and they succeeded. Unfortunately, a few of these projects are ones I can't quite publicly speak about yet, but much like the DUCKTALES book, I look forward to sharing all with you in the (near-ish) future.

Thankfully, the waters have slightly receded, so I'll be posting some new episodes of A BIT OF A CHAT soon, along with a few interviews and rarities I've been digging out of and digitizing from my personal archives (get ready to hear a profoundly awkward young me!)...

In the interim, I've updated the page linking out to all of your Patron exclusives, which you can access here:


If you weren't aware, I've been regularly streaming on Twitch, as well, sometimes with guests, and sometimes just me playing FORTNITE or LEGO STAR WARS, or whatever. But, it's a great way for you to swing by and ask me any questions you may have, or just chat and watch me goof around in a game...


I've also updated my Amazon wishlist of needed equipment, as well as just fun requests. (Which, beyond just being a Patron and how much I appreciate your support, thank you for thinking of me for things like this, as well)...


More updates soon and, as always, feel free to drop me any questions or comments!




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