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As promised, the first batch of vaulted vintage Ken P.D. Snydecasts have been released , and you can access them HERE!

Also thank you to everyone who has been making purchases off of my Amazon Wishlist!


Ahoy hoy!

I wanted to catch up and let you know about a few upcoming Patron exclusives, BIT OF A CHATs, and just generally what I've been up to.

So, let's kick that off...

I hope you enjoyed the recent BIT OF A CHATs featuring guests Kelly Thompson, Kyle Mooney, and Andy Richter. Coming up in the next few days will be a new episode with TASKMASTER New Zealand's Paul Williams, followed by some fun new & returning guests (including the return of an annual CHAT tradition).

I also plan to continue sharing (with increasing frequency) the hundreds of print interviews I have sitting in my archives, as you've seen with the recent postings of the conversations I had with Sally Kellerman and Michael Nesmith.

I've been doing a lot of organization & general archive admin and discovered a trove of old interview audio cassettes, and I'm going to start digitizing/cleaning those and posting what I can as Patron exclusives (I just found my cassette from the NYC junket interviews and Planet Hollywood promotion of MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000: THE MOVIE in 1996, so there's a hint of just how far back and unique some of the material is).

A lot of folks have been asking for access to the complete archive of THE KEN P.D. SNYDECAST - the podcast I co-hosted with Dana Snyder starting waaaaaay back in 2005, hundreds of episodes of which have been unavailable for years. Well, the good news is I'll be posting them here, a few at a time - Mainly because they haven't been available for years, and so people will finally stop asking me how they can get them.

Did you know that I occasionally stream on Twitch? Sometimes even with guests? Well, I do, and you can watch me play games and chat at Twitch.tv/KenPlumeTwitch.

And finally, I've updated my AMAZON WISH LIST of equipment requests (and just fun stuff) if you're inclined to throw additional support that way. I've deeply appreciated everyone who's bought stuff from it over the years.

Oh, and hopefully I can soon be allowed to talk about the BIG PROJECT I worked on over the course of 2020/2021 - I'm deeply proud of it and desperate to share it!

Most importantly - Thank you for your support over the years. I'm excited about what I have to share in the year ahead, and it's your support that makes it possible.

(And if you ever have a question or a request, please don't hesitate to drop me a line!)




Patrick Edward Quinn

Sounds great! Really glad to hear the Snydecasts will be available again.

Plastic Mane

Alright!! I'm here for them snydcasts