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The best laid plans of mice and Ken...

Yes, it's been a fairly long while since my last BIT OF A CHAT, but there are many reasons for that - most of which are not the same gloomy, depressing ones we're all being suffocated by. No, there are actually quite a few projects bubbling about - some I can't talk about yet, and others you can listen to right now (Check out THE D&D TICKET!).

All that being said, HERE IS A BRAND NEW episode of A BIT OF A CHAT, featuring the amazing Karla Pacheco, writer extraordinaire and current chronicler of Marvel's SPIDER-WOMAN.

Now, sit right back and you'll hear a tale of Spider-Woman, boat living, Dalek speakers, pandemic cliffhangers, exploding dinosaurs, upstate farm babies, Bratpool, Bat-dunking, Chipology, DJing, opening doors, murderphants, D-Listers, awards, and vagabond pirate queens...





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