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Chip Zdarsky is a legend. Or a myth. At the very least, he's something. Swell? Sure. Elegant? Certainly. Swellegant? That's not even a word, but he's probably that, as well.

He's also one half of the dynamic duo, alongside Matt Fraction, behind SEX CRIMINALS, which has recently entered into its home stretch. He's also written PETER PARKER: THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN, HOWARD THE DUCK, MARVEL TWO-IN-ONE, INVADERS, SPIDER-MAN: LIFE STORY, AFTERLIFT, THE WHITE TREES, X-MEN/FANTASTIC FOUR, DAREDEVIL, and... Okay, enough. It's a lot.

After what seems like ages, we sat down... Well, I sat down. I assume he sat down. I couldn't see him, but let's just go with the idea that we both sat down in our respective sitting places and finally had a Bit Of A Chat, wherein we talk about deadlines, nothing pits, working holidays, maritime adventures, Spider-Man rules, columnists, Extremely Bad Advice, studio dorms, oil paintings, Tintin hooligans, self-awareness, illustration, copycats, romantic hooky, focus, Sex Criminals, Zdarsky legends, work wives, second acts, Fantastic Four, X-Men, ego, Daredevil, life stories, and no clones... HEAR:


(Oh, and Chip is also responsible for the single greatest Spider-Man page of all time...)



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