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Ahoy hoy!

So, to cut to the point, I’ve had a clutch of computer issues as of late, as well as a desire to make my mobile recording setup a bit lesa cumbersome so I can record more easily while out of town. One of you nifty Patrons (you’re ALL nifty) suggested that I might put together an Amazon wishlist of equipment, in case any of you were inclined to help/support my upgrade process.

Here, then, is that link, which will allow you to view the list and place orders (if you are so inclined). Your assistance and support is *immensely* appreciated, and if you do happen to purchase anything for me, PLEASE let me know it was you, as I’d like to send a thank you. (And an awful drawing of your choice, if that’s your thing! 😉)




There doesn't seem to be an address attached to the wish list so I can't send the order to you.