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I did promise that there would be a lot of new Bit Of Chats going live in the immediate future, and I hope you'll agree that I'm well on my way to fulfilling that vow with, you guessed it, ANOTHER new Bit Of A Chat.

This is one of the episodes I was able to record while I was out in Los Angeles over the holidays, and features the return of a good friend who is so ridiculously busy that it was practically a last-minute miracle I was even able to schedule some time with him.

Yes, Tom Kenny is stupid busy.

That is why this episode was recorded as we ate breakfast in the curbside dining area of a little restaurant in Valley Village, before Tom had to race off to a half-dozen recording sessions.

BUT talk we did, and now you can hear us gab about Ed Begley Jr. tupperware shaming, H.R. Giger's Bedtime Stories, Spongebob, musical beats, Pogo, and promises HEAR:



 A Bit Of A Chat with Tom Kenny 


 A Bit Of A Chat with Tom Kenny 2 




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