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NORMALLY, Rebecca Watson and I livestream our podcast recording as a special bonus for our $5+ patrons. HOWEVER, this week we are doing it FOR FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.

NOT ONLY THAT, we also have a SPECIAL GUEST on this week - astronomer Nicole Gugliucci! So, it's a safe bet a fair amount of the conversation is going to be about the upcoming solar eclipse.

And so...

Starting tonight, at 9pm EST, we'll be chatting live as we record JUST ADMIT I'M RIGHT and waiting for you to join us.  In fact, here is the LINK (please do not distribute it) to do so:


We certainly do hope you enjoy the ramblings and rumblings of a pair of old friends about whatever topics alight into their fevered minds. 

Oh, AND DON'T FORGET that we'll be releasing these live sessions as a podcast called - you guessed it - JUST ADMIT I'M RIGHT, which you can find HERE:


We are offering access to watch us record these LIVE to our $5+ patrons (please consider supporting us both - You can support Rebecca at http://www.patreon.com/rebecca). During these live records, you can interact with us, send us topics to discuss, or just watch us goof and flub and flail and have a grand old time LIVE.  The podcast versions of these episodes will hit about a week after our livestream record.

And THANK YOU for your continued support. It makes all of this possible, and both Rebecca and I hope you dig the show...



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