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okie dokie artichokie <3 I'll probably post some pics of Pillow here too so you an meet her!



Pillow is gonna make us sob like ToeMOM used to

Aren Yeghissian-Kanneian

If you have carpeting i highly recommend the breeze litter pellets. That sandy stuff tracks all over the house otherwise

Matthew Guillen

Make sure you upgrade to pretty litter. It will be a big difference and she will like it a lot more. She also won't track any of it out of her box and/or around the home. Cats like litter that feels good on their paws as well. Im actually hoping you get a pretty litter sponsor because they've been doing some YouTube ads lately with YouTubers. It probably also sounds like a lot to take on. But consider getting her another cat to have as a friend. Cats can be super social and it helps them a lot to have a friend to play with and engage with, especially when you aren't home.