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Hey everyone !

This week has been... complicated, to say the least. I've had little time to work and I had my own share of problems. It should be fine now so back to work it is.
I still was able to do some scenes and advance on the update, just less than I wanted to. On that note, I'm in a bit of a slump right now concerning both Lissana and Juvia as I can't get a great idea on how their content is going to proceed. (And when I had an idea for Lissana it wasn't very patreon friendly so I discarded it. Let's avoid centering her content around Mirajane, alright xD)

I've found great ideas for every other character so it's fine on that side but don't expect too much serious content on the first release of this Chapter since it's mostly going to be a setup for what's next. And what's next ?

I won't go into too many details but let's just tease you one of the main gimmick of Chapter 4 :
- Alternate forms
Now I won't be telling you who, nor will I be telling you exactly what I mean by that you'll have to satisfy yourself with that. I also won't be giving off much more info on that aspect before the release since I want to avoid spoiling the surprise. (And I'm pretty sure whatever you're thinking about is wrong.)
It's one of the first idea I've had when I thought about the Fairy Tail Chapter and I'm quite happy about it but let's not go into the specifics.

Well, that's gonna be it for this week.
As usual : Thank you all for the continued support !


chris hook

Why not make lisanna a non futa assistant to Lazuli someone who Lazuli tests her drugs on before giving them to the other girls? I don't know about Juvia haven't thought of anything for her besides something like creating a drug to get her to fall for lazuli or tricking her by making her believe that doing certain things with Lazuli will get gray to notice her and thus they end up together but she ends up becoming apart of the harem. I don't know there just some ideas bad ideas but ideas non the less.


Thing is, there's no gray he doesn't exist. So that's why I gotta approach Juvia differently.

chris hook

Well she and lisanna are close friends but I don't think you would want Juvia to be another assistant nor do I think that you would make Juvia another Robin as she was originally from a different guild and I don't remember there being any girls other than Juvia in that guild so she could be a closet slut character. I don't really know I'm just trying to help with some idea's like you said Juvia is hard to approach. Tho if you decide to go that route I can see things going more like a combination of Robin and Sakura were she has to be tricked or she has a strong will and lazuli has to create a drug that breaks her will basically gets her to be her true self. I don't know I'm just trying to help no matter what you decide I'll enjoy the game regardless