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Hey everyone !

This is probably going to be a long post because a lot has happened this week.
I had a new commission and finished one of my best Random Animation as of yet but you've probably seen both. I'd reckon they really attest of how far I've gotten and how much better my animations are now compared to before.
Talking about this, while discussing on discord and trying to find an example of how bad my past animations were I stumbled on the first Nemona X Misty scene and I had forgotten how terrible it was. So I completely remade a part of it. It's nothing too great, I mostly did it by reusing some stuff but it's waayyyyy better than what it used to be.  

About the game itself, I'm done with most of the 2d models I'll be using and with the starting maps. Now I'm doing the annoying part related to Chapter 4. It's a tavern alright so there needs to be customer and some scripted movement route to make it feels real. Also what would a Tavern in an H game be without perv clients and groping (This is a content that can be deactivated.). So I also have to make this happen with different girls depending on days and stuff like that. It's time consumming and not necessarily interesting to do as it is mostly scripting movement in rpgm but I feel like it's an important step. Even if a lot of you won't give a fuck about it xD  

Lastly, as mentionned in discord, I recently commissioned my own 3d model for my OC character (not Faust) which will also happen to be the protagonist for my next game. And since I like to make tweaks I played with the character editor a lot to make it exactly as I wanted. So I've got a way better understanding of how to tweak clothes than before. That might be usefull in the future 😉.

(Here she is, isn't she the goat ? 🤩 Though you'll have to wait quite a lot to see any action with her since she won't be making it in this game.)

And as usual :
Thank you all for the continued support !



Oh also forgot to mention that I launched the game on Itch.io.

Omon Topno

I would recommend AnnaAnon that McMom vid is legendary.