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Hey everyone !

I just started my internship and let me tell you it is looking a bit worse than expected. By that I mean that I have even less time to work on the game than planned. This is only temporary and it is the last thing I have to finish before I can work on the game full time but still, this is annoying.
And tbh, I think the fact that I'm just waiting for it to be finished so I can concentrate on the game is probably making it worse. Not exactly the best mentality to tackle a new workload xD.

I'm still trying my best to finish the update by the 2nd of February and I should be able to meet that deadline I think. I'm nearly done with one out of the two scenes I have left to make and the recollection room is nearly finished aswell. Only thing left after that will be playtesting for bugs and we'll be all good. If I'm not wrong that will make for 15 new scenes + a lot of repeatable stuff, a few new maps and 2 puzzles. Overall probably around 1h of playtime.
I'll probably be confirming the release date on discord and twitter before the next  weekly progress so you can stay tuned there if you really don't want to miss it. Otherwise you'll have all the info needed by next week.

Until then, as usual :
Thank you all for the continued support !



Best of luck in your internship