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Hey everyone, it's been another week already.
To be frank I nearly forgot about making this post because I didn't realize it was already wednesday.

Let's get into the big news already. I've only got to do 2 to 3 more scenes (one is optional, I don't know if I'll do it yet) for the update to be complete. Add to that a few short repeatable scenes that I must make aswell and all the playtesting/bugfixing and we'll be done. I don't think I'll be able to finish by the end of next week and I'm not even sure about the week afterward but that means it will either release on the 2nd of February or the 9th. The release schedule will be the classic one, you're used to it by now.

Since I have nothing more to say this week let me share a fun fact I noticed a while ago. I've already passed the 2k+ hours working on the game. Which means that I've already worked more on this game than an average employee does in a full year. Except that it is not my job (yet) and that it hasn't been a year yet. You see how I'm beating myself for you guys ? Just kidding, it didn't feel like a chore at all.

On that note, I don't have much much more to say this week.
Look forward to the update soon and as usual : Thank you all for the continued support !


José Alfredo

No problem, thanks to you for not abandoning the game and leaving it incomplete or unfinished, you have even partly inspired me to create my own game but since I don't have a computer or programming knowledge I don't know how to make a game, but well you understand the because delay sometimes the good takes time to produce