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Hey there, I'm back !

Okay let's start of with the big news, I've got a good and a bad one.
Let's start with the good one :

- Normally, starting from July I should be able to focus solely on the game which will get a huge load of my shoulder. It means I'm gonna work a bit faster but it mostly means that I'll be able to have some time for myself instead of overworking myself by developing this game in parrallel of my studies. I'm looking forward to it a lot but there's still a few months to go.

- Okay bad news now... It's tightly linked to the good one to be frank. Since I'm finishing my studies soon I have to do a last internship which will probably ask me a lot more work than usual. This means that I may have way less time to work on the game especially if I don't want to burn myself out. Even more so with the fact that I'll have a few projects to do along with the internship. It's not gonna be 6 fun months but passed that I'll be free !

Alright this is out of the way and I'm really hoping that everything goes as planned. I want nothing more than to be able to work on this game full time. 

About the game itself, I still can't give you a date for the next update as there's still a lot of work to do. It may very well take only a few weeks and it may take a bit more, I have no clear idea. This will have been a long update but there's a lot of new scenes and most of them are very long to make so you can look forward to that. Also it's probably gonna be the norm going forward that each update takes a bit more time because they're going to be more ambitious as time passes.

That's it for this week.
As usual : Thank you all for the continued support !
(I fucking mean it, you're the reason I keep going despite burning through my free time like hell <3)


José Alfredo

I look forward to the next update

Great Saxtonian

I just want to say that these updates, and the clarity of them is one if the big reasons I think you’re one of the best new NSFW game creators out there atm. So many of these projects start up, open a patreon, and then flare out because of a lack of communication between creator and audience. Your weekly updates, regardless of whether they have game news or not, are really nice to see just to keep up with you as you work on it. Keep up the great work, ans good luck with your internship!