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Hey everyone !

Some pretty important news are dropping today.  

I noticed that more and more people are joining to support me solely due to the random animations. I'm very grateful to you guys, but at the same time you don't get any benefits out of it, which bothers me. Also, I've been asked if I can share the Koikatsu scene data of the animations I make. 

So I've decided to kill two birds with one stone and address both of these issues.  I thought about making some more Patreon tiers, but I don't want to flood my Patreon too much with things unrelated to the game, as I like to keep some clarity. Also, it would either be adding some new tiers only related to random animation or adding the benefits to already existing tiers but upping the price. Obviously, both solutions are pretty bad because it would neither satisfy people who want to have both benefits or people who only want to follow me for either the game or the animations.  

As such, I came to the conclusion that I needed another platform for this. This helps keeping things a bit organized and not to overwhelm one single platform with posts all unrelated to another. I'll be opening a SubscribeStar account that will be used solely for random animations related stuff. Don't worry, I'll keep on posting random animations on Patreon as well, because I don't want any of you to feel like he should follow both account to have the content you used to have on only one. However, things like polls to decide characters for random animations, scene data, or just some rare exclusive animations will be reserved to SubscribeStar members. Currently, the account has been created but still needs to be verified and that may take a bit of time since the admins are apparently overwhelmed. I'll keep you up to date on that.

Now, why the long post just for this ? I really want to be transparent with you guys on the reason I do things. Especially when it's money related. This is why I thought it would be interesting to tell you a bit more about my thought process.
So from now on the Patreon will be focused on the game and the SubscribeStar will only handle random animations related benefits. I will also move the commission tier over there, and I'll think about how I can change it to make it cheaper because right now it's freaking expensive (mostly due to the fact climax scenes take me a long time).  

That's it for this week, as it's already a pretty long post. I haven't talked about the game at all, but don't worry, we'll talk about it a bit more next week.
As usual : Thank you all for the support !


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