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Helllooooo !

Are you guys getting impatient ? Don't worry there's only 2 more days to wait.
Classic schedule for this update, I'll release it for the higher patrons this Friday then 1 week later fo the intermediate tier and then 2 weeks after the initial release I'll make it public.
I'll post a changelog very soon but what's important to note with this update is that it's the biggest amount of work I've ever had on an update yet. At least I think...
The sheer amount of content is pretty huge if you count the repeatable scenes and most of all as I've said before each scene has a lot more polish and there's another thing which also made it so that each scene took very long to animate.
The gimmick for this Chapter that will finally appear in this part is very special and it may not please everyone. Just know that each Chapter's gimmick will not be reused a lot outside of its Chapter so if you don't like it that's fine.

Side note, I've also added myself some work on this release by doing minor changes in some of the past scenes and also completely remaking Izumi's first sex scene in the infirmary as I mentionned a few weeks ago.

The time gap between releases may more or less approach what we had for this one in the future. Which mean it would more or less look like 1 release every 2 month instead of 1 release nearly every month. Why is that, though ?
Well I've gotten more skilled at animating but it also womes with the price of spending more time on details and on trying to polish it so obviously in the end I'm taking more time than before to make scenes.

And that's about it for this week. The changelog is coming very soon.
As usual : Thank you all for your continued support !


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