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Hey everyone, it's Wednesday !

There's not so much to be said this week appart from the fact that I'm steadily making progress. As of now I can't say for sure when I'll be done with Part2 nor whether Chapter 2 will have 3 or 4 parts. (I'm thinking 3 but that might be a bit ambitious to fit everything into 3 parts).

Right now we're about 7 scenes in or I should say 6. Indeed, I just teased a Robin scene but I'm actually redoing it from scratch to go for something far more interesting. The discarded scene will still be available for patreons in the recollection room because since it's done why not include it. You'll see that I've taken a full 180° degree turn between both scenes but I think it's for the best.

I've also found a way to make animation look smoother but I'm still experimenting a lot because it also makes it looks way less rough so I'm not entirely convinced. I think I'll be able to use that to improve the overall look of my animations but I'll need more practice.

That's it for this week's report and as usual : 

Thank you all for your continued support !



Thanks for always keeping us updated! And, as for my opinion on "3 or 4 parts", I'm always happy with more content. So, 4 parts is just fine if that's for the best, even if that makes finishing Chapter 2 take longer 😎👍


It should have part three and part four cuz the game is so good everybody's wants part three and part four and would give you more practice