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And another week has gone by.

You're already a hundred following me in this journey, who knew we'd get there only 9 weeks after the game was first released. I may be saying that a lot but all of you have my utmost gratitude since it's thanks to you that I always have so much motivation to work on this project.

Talking about work, as usual progress gets slower when we get to subsequent parts of chapters for many reasons but mostly because doing penetration scenes is a lot more time consuming so the number of scenes I can make each week is obviously slower. (Especially since I always try to find something to add to make each scene a bit more unique)
Right now we're 3 scenes in (but damn they're great) with a bit more story and 2 new maps. Not gonna lie, the story is as nebulous as before, I know where I want to go but I'll deliver the pieces of the puzzle little by little. I like keeping the mistery and also leaving clues for some of you to maybe figure it out before everything is revealed.

I haven't teased a lot these days, since I don't want to spoil too much for the people unable to play Chapter 2 yet. 

And about that ...(wasn't that a neat transition ?) Chapter 2 will be unlocked for mid tier patreons (4.5$) this Friday so you can look forward to it.

As usual : Thank you all for your continued support !


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