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Hey everyone !

Time for the weekly update as always and this time it has some important information.
Not a lot has happened this week in regard to the game however because I was finishing my internship + preparing my presentation and all this kind of stuff as I might have already mentionned previously.
Now that the internship is over and that I'm a graduate engineer it is time for me to take some vacation and enoy two weeks where I can finally relax and not work 50+ hour per week.

This means that for the next two weeks I won't be active on patreon and you won't get weekly progress reports. I'll still be there on discord but also less active than usual.
The fact I finished my internship also has some other consequences on the future of the game but that is something that will need a post in itself so I'll cover that after I'm back from hollidays.

This is a rather short post but as you might expect I don't have much more to say.
As usual : Thank you all for the continued support !



Felicitaciones por tu logro. Disfruta las vacaciones y esperemos una todo vaya para mejor.