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Hey everyone !

Sorry about the one day-delay, I just forgot about it. It's as simple as that.

This week has been me making a lot of non-h flavor & lore stuff. Only h-stuff I made were the two commissions I got. You've seen the "little" robot sprite but there's more than that coming next update just to add some ambience and flavor to a new area that you'll finally be able to access.
Fear not, the next update won't be 100% lore 0% sex, far from it but it will be the biggest update in term of sheer lore since Chapter 1. Of course exploring will also nail you some unimportant easter eggs as I tend to do everytime there's a lore related area.

Another major improvement for the game is that I finally have an idea on how I want to end it. Might be subject to changes because we're far from that but I think it's what I'll stick to. However, that may disappoint some people because it means the Bleach Chapter will be coming as the end Chapter meaning you won't see Bleach in the game for a few years.

And that's it for this week's news.
As usual : Thank you all for the continued support !


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