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Hey everyone.

It has not escaped any of you that this week saw a big change for this patreon page. I'm not exactly happy with the solution I came to but it is still the safest thing I can do for now. i've already gone into detail in the post covering it so I won't dwell on it again.

So what have I done this week ?
I've finished the random animation I teased you before. Pretty big one, biggest I've ever made in fact so that took a lot of time.

Other than that, I've progressed on the game as usual but the biggest progress I've made is mostly just deciding when and how to advance the lore directly. This means that next update will see some progress with the story and it should prove to be interesting. However, that was not necessarily planned for this update at the begining so this is some more work that just popped up.
I'm kinda going with the mindset that the update will be out when it's ready and this means I won't force myself to release it earlier just because it's been a bit long since last update. So yeah, this update will probably take a while. (I'd guess early august as a possible release date)

And that's about it for this week.
As usual : Thank you all for the continued support !


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