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Hey everyone !

I'm out of idea to start this post. So let's cut to the part where I talk about the interesting bits.

Concerning Part 2, I'm currently done with 3 scenes and I've done all the animations for a 4th one. For now it's : 1 Lisanna, 1 Mirajane, 2 Juvia. Meaning I'm done with the Lisanna and Juvia content for next update. Some really cool stuff going on and a lot of pretty smooth animations.
I feel like I've gone another step beyond in terms of the quality of my scenes. I think it was already the case last update but there weren't that many animations that could really showcase it, except Erza.
I'm still not very good at anything that isn't sex related because making real life movements is so much harder than sex loops but I don't really need to anyway. It would add a bit of flavor to some random animations but that's it.

Talking about random animations, I'm cooking a big one right now. It's definitely going to be the biggest/most ambitious one so far. In terms of showing how much I've improved, this one will definitely go a long way. There's still a lot to do before it's complete but you can look forward to it.

I don't think I have much more I wanted to say this week.
So as usual : Thank you all for the continued support !



Excited for what you got in store! You do great work!

marco mariani

if i may ask I saw in the movies folder a scene called: 2_robinrevenge the latest robin scene i have is when she is bound in her room, did i miss this scene or not, if i did not how does one get this scene?


It's not in the game. It was discarded after a bad reception fom most of the audience and replaced with the Robin content we have right now.