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Hey everyone!
Stay tuned because this week we'll be discussing some interesting stuff.

First of all, the update is progressing very well. And there are some benefits to the delay caused by the April Fool's update. I've been able to restart working with a fresh and clear mind, and it helped me take some distance from the game so I could have a few ideas. (Still struggling with Juvia xD).
And also during the month I worked on the prank, I again progressed in animating, and I could definitely feel it with the few scenes I did lately. I just finished making Erza's content for this update and the last scene I made for her is... something... Honestly, the animations are so smooth it's crazy. I'm torn between showing part of it as a teaser or keeping the full surprise.

Other than that, I don't remember whether I announced it before or not. Maybe I forgot, so just in case let me officially say that Chapter 5 will be My Hero Academia due to its overwhelming victory in the poll.

Back to Chapter 4, I know Fairy Tail is characterized by magic and everyone having their own special magic. Don't expect the chapter to revolve around the magic of the different characters. It's a lot because of technical reasons and that it would be hard to make/animate. I wanted to mention it before you all get disappointed while playing.

And then let's talk about the progress and release date. Nothing is fixed for now but it's going to come rather soon. I wanted to release it around 1 month after the April Fool's update but recently felt like it was too short of a deadline to finish what I had planned. But then I looked at what I had planned and also realized it was too much. I wanted to give enough content to get started properly with every girl, so about 3 scenes, combine that with scenes with some of the Pokémon girls and that actually approximated around 25 scenes... for a single update...
So I decided to lower this a bit and it means that: if I manage to find enough inspiration and time, I should be done in the coming weeks. I can't give a date, mostly because of Juvia xD. Because I haven't started her content yet and I'm struggling to find that one good idea I will like. If I really can't manage to find it, I'll just go with a concept I like less.

On that note, I'll leave you with that for this week.
As usual: Thank you all for the continued support!



what you wrote there sounds really good I can't wait to play the Game yes you're rigfht then do the same with Part 4 and Part 5 I can't wait to See the Questions you ask for your Game This Games is a lot of fun and I think your ideas are great .