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Hey ! There it is !
Chapter 4 is an April Fools prank
You won't need your saves to play it but it is very recommended that you've played the previous updates.
I also even made an apk that should work for everyone.

Edit : Since I've been asked, I also made a mac version. (I don't have a mac so I'm not sure if and how it works.)
Second Edit : Changed the apk so that it doesn't conflict anymore with the original game.




I made an apk for Chapter 3 Part 2 so you can play this before playing the new update.

Chapter 3 P2: ANDROID
Chapter 3 P2: MAC

Also, since this is a straight up public release, consider supporting me if you can afford to. This update was a lot of work.


Tyler Richard

I would understand if you have no intention of making a browser version, as that’s extra work for very little benefit overall. Either way, you do great work. Please continue.

Robert Clouser

Thanks for the prank, I should have known something was up because my retirement date from the Army is 1 April (LOL) and my personal license plate is APRFLS (as April Fools) now i can call the Army and say April Fools I retired LOL


It would be interesting if the girls from the RWBY universe are added to the game later.


By any chance can you change the batch I'd for the April fools update cause it keeps trying to update my existing game.


If its the apk, I've already tried to change the name so the problem doesnt happen. If it still does, idk how to fix it. Not very clear how android recognize games.