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Hi everyone !

Well, there are good news coming in this week.
First of all, I'm sick right now (not a good news) which lead to me taking a leave of absence for a few days (good news). This means I have more time to work on the game. Of course I don't spend 100% of that time working because I'm not feeling very good but it's wayyyy better than when I'm at work for most of the day.

What does that mean ? It means that the update should be releasing pretty soon. You know how I like to release update on Fridays so I was looking at the 29th because I probably won't be done before that. Problem is that I won't have any internet on that Friday and on the whole weekend (I mean not good enough to upload the game.)
So this push back the release date to the following Monday when I'll be back. I think that's a pretty accurate date. Might be subject to change if something happens like usual but I should make it in time.

Also trust me I've been cooking. You won't have much teasing on that part because I reaaaaallllyyy don't want to spoil it. It's very important that you play the update without knowing. Let's say the crazy part of my brain took hold of my inspiration for the past few days.

On that note, I'll leave you with that.
As usual : Thank you all for the continued support !


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